Update to the Update: Everything is Different Thanks to the OGL Crapshow

January 10, 2023

What a difference a week makes.

Yeah, I know, another update instead of an article. That sucks. It does. It really, really does. But this is important and I’m going to keep it short. Because I want to be done dealing with this garbage and get back to real work.

Last week, I posted an optimistic and hopeful update about all the stuff I was going to do this year. And I ended it by acknowledging the Wizards of the Coast OGL and saying, “I don’t want to have to worry about this crap so I’m not going to.” Except I have to.

The Short Version

I’m behind schedule already because a certain publishing company is pulling the rug out from under all online RPG content creators and we have to scramble to protect ourselves. Content is coming. You will see a new article in a few days and then another and another. Mostly the articles I promised.

Also, because of that certain publishing company, I have to rethink the way I deliver about 30% of my content going forward. I don’t know precisely what the new plan is yet, but I’ll let you know the minute I know.

Also, I treasure your readership and support. Whatever happens, you have enriched my life. Thank you.

Also, enough with this OGL/DBox One crap. I’d like to focus on making and running better pretend elf games and I don’t care who’s elves I’m using. But I sure ain’t using WotC’s anymore.

The Long Version

If you’re in the know already, I’m not going to go into much detail or analysis or critique. If you’re not in the know, it’s like this: Wizards of the Coast is changing the rules about who can publish what for D&D. Or even talk about D&D. And they’re doing so in a very invasive, pervasive way. And they’re cutting deals with all sorts of platforms to help them keep an eye on everything.

I have never, ever produced licensed content for DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, which is a registered trademark of Wizards of the Coast, LLC over which I claim no ownership. In the past, I have provided critique, analysis, and review of various products published for THAT GAME. And I have published a book about the TTRPG hobby in which I mentioned THAT GAME as one of several examples of a TTRPG that new hobbyists might enjoy. Whatever I have done in the past, I have firmly considered to be a fair use of copyrighted materials.

But the game is changing. Hell, the whole board is changing. And the owners of THAT GAME are positioning their pieces for a clear offensive gambit against content creators. And I’d be an idiot if I didn’t either prepare a defense or get the hell off the board. And the smarter move is to get off the board.

First, content I have produced in the past, I will no longer produce any content that might be construed as infringing on THAT GAME, even if I firmly believe I am operating within the bounds of fair use or if I believe I am not actually infringing on anything the owners of THAT GAME could reasonably argue as their property.

Second, I am taking steps to remove any content from my crowdfunding site or store that might make the owners think I am a commercial producer of content for THAT GAME. I am working quickly, but quietly for now.

I am not, however, removing any non-commercial content from this site. Yet. But I might have to do so at any time if I get a nasty letter. Long story short, if there’s a thing you want a copy of of on this site, grab it.

That includes the Theme Packs in my store. Want them? Grab them. They’re free until Friday. Then they’re gone. That also includes that module, The Fall of Silverpine Watch. Want it? Grab it. Because it’s gone on Friday.

Third, some of the content I had planned for this upcoming year and some of the bonus content I had promised to high-tier supporters must be scrapped. And some projects must change. The bulk of my work — say about 70% — is unaffected. Most of the stuff I promised in the update will happen as promised. The rest will happen somehow, but maybe not the same way. The most difficult things for me to deal with will be Mechanical System Hacks and Bonus Content. I will have to work out a new way to provide that very popular content. I have some ideas about how to do that and I will be asking for feedback in the near future.

Fourth, the sad fact about crowdfunding is that I don’t control my crowdfunding sites. While I have an exceptionally good relationship with Patreon and am building a strong relationship with SubscribeStar as well, the fact is, they’re exposed legally too. And it would be in their best interests to cut loose any creator that brought them trouble. That’s a scary thing to admit, but I’m a realist and I don’t blame them one bit.

That said, I do control TheAngryGM.com. This site belongs to Angry Games, Inc. If you wake up one day and suddenly can’t find me on Patreon, you’ll find me here. And as long as I can afford to keep doing this, here is where I will stay. But the reality is, without the crowdfunding support right now, I can’t afford to keep doing this. The time and effort is too much. And I gotta support myself. And I have a wedding to pay for in a year. And it ain’t like things are getting any cheaper.

Truth is, I’m not in a terrible position. Most of my most popular content is system agnostic and I have a strong, dedicated reader base. The plan I developed for this year involved a lot of general RPG-content and I’ve already been moving away from D&D in my home games. So this is just another storm to weather.

That said, I was supposed to not be in the position of relying on crowdfunding and D&D so heavily by this point. My plans for future projects and endeavors got pushed off several times. And while there was always — usually —  a good reason for each push-off, it doesn’t change the reality that I’m not nearly as stable as I’d like to be and a storm is approaching. So I have to batten down the hatches and then I have to start getting ship-shape and setting a hasty course for the next course.

I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that what I do in the next twelve months — and what happens outside my control — are basically sink-or-swim. Whatever happens, I appreciate every one of you for sharing the journey with me. I have treasured every moment of this and I will be grateful for every moment God grants me hereafter with all of you. Thank you.

But, I ain’t dead yet… so let’s put this OGL crap to bed and get down to the good, fun work of just making and running better pretend elf games. Cool? Great. I’m going to go start scribbling.

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52 thoughts on “Update to the Update: Everything is Different Thanks to the OGL Crapshow

  1. As a fellow creator, I’d love to hear more updates on this as you move forward. Many of us are confused right now, and not sure how best to proceed. Thanks for posting this!

    • I get that. And I will share what I can, but I am not an attorney and the new OGL isn’t even out yet. I’m acting preemptively, which might not be wise, but it’s the path I’ve chosen. It seems easiest. My advice first is to wait and see what the actual new OGL says and then second, if it’s possible, get expert advice on it. Otherwise, the real problem is no one knows what’s going to happen until it does happen. Matters like this can only be settled in court. And most small creators — myself included — wouldn’t last long enough in court to see the matter settled. So, if there is any way to continue what you’re doing without going near WotC’s products, that might be for the best. I realize these are all just the least worst of the bad options, but sadly, sometimes that’s all you’ve got.

      • Fight. These are bullies taking your lunch money, kicking you out of your house, and grooming your children.

        They also have no legal standing. At all. This has all been litigated.

        Keep making a living.

        • Can’t make a living if you spend all your money on attorneys.
          This isn’t just a question of being in the right. This is a question of having enough money to fund the war. If you don’t, you’ll just have to hope for others to fight the good fight, or choose the path of least resistance.

  2. The arrogance of that company is insane. I was certain that the were going to shed fans with this next edition, but I did not conceive of them revoking the very privileges that had effectively made them so popular in the first place. Given the nature of the prior agreement, namely the fact that it guaranteed certain things “in perpetuity”, I’m not sure they even have the ability to revoke it, but damn if they aren’t trying. So, you know what, f&$# ’em. I’m already producing my own RPGs, I just wish they were ready to roll right now, to capitalize on this huge shake-up.

    Best of luck Angry, I’m with you to the end!

    • It doesn’t even matter if it’s legal: the cost to defend against a Hasbro lawsuit would cost more in ongoing legal fees to settle the case than most of these products turn over in a year. Unless there’s grounds for a class-action, I think everyone will knuckle under.

      • The attempt to revoke the OGL1.0 has implications for other open source licences, even GPL, so there’s other interested parties who might jump in to ensure that OGL1.0 cannot be revoked.

        • I think we’re all waiting for a certain other big name (starts with P) in the industry to take a crack at THAT COMPANY. They’re the ones with the funds to do it, if anyone is.

          • Unfortunately they do have standing and this won’t be decided on a motion to dismiss. This will go the distance and you will need deep pockets to take on Hasbro. There’s a reason it’s called a legal system rather than a justice system. Take it from someone who derives part of their living from having to make decisions that are absolutely legal but sometimes don’t feel very just.

  3. This OGL crap is madness. I truly hope you weather the storm, as your content is fantastic, ant the thing I need most of all is a well designed alternative to DnD and Dbox 1 ([redacted])
    Keep going onwards, and I will support you!

  4. Thanks Angry! This blog will be always the best place in which find how making and running better pretend elf games. I will be always eager to read your articles, regardless of THAT GAME.

  5. This is disappointing news when I only discovered you existed two weeks ago. Thanks for making the theme packs and module free, I’ll get ’em and keep circulating the tapes.

  6. Well, this is certainly one way to slash and burn your entire community. It’s depressing to think that they would take such draconian measures to prevent people from creating content for their game.

    I’m especially worried for the OSR community, given how extensively they tend to use the OGL and derive their games from older editions of D&D. I’m sure they’ll survive – where there’s a will, there’s a way after all – but things could get real nasty real quick.

    I’m wishing you the best, Angry, and know that I definitely plan to support you in your future endeavors. Whenever you release your own RPG, I definitely plan on buying a copy or two.

  7. Congratulations on the wedding, and good luck. I’ll be reading as long as the rss feed lasts. My silver lining in all this is that I get to feel righteous for quitting the latest iterations of the grand old game, instead of just grumpy.

  8. Thank you for everything you’ve done over the years, Angry. In the hopefully unlikely event that Patreon pulls the plug (and I can’t see why they would, but as you say, difficult times), let us know how else we can support you.

  9. I, for one, have every intention of continuing to support this endeavor regardless. I had already moved away from THAT GAME and into OSR and Savage Worlds and Call of Cthulhu over the past year. Much of your content still applies (especially to OSR). Some of it does not.

    While I find the whole mess unfortunate and awful and a jerk move by the company, I am actually looking forward to a greater percentage of game-agnostic articles… or even articles that talk about another system’s merits, as one of your examples-of-play touched on Savage Worlds.

    Wish you luck with whatever you do!

  10. Once upon a time the owners of THAT GAME decided they wanted to build an advertising campaign spitting on their customers to promote their Fourth Version of their product.

    It went so well that the people who managed THAT GAME’s magazine founded a million-dollar competitor and within three years had almost replaced THAT GAME and even stole away the convention named for THAT GAME’s founding.

    After all the current success of THAT GAME and their extra boost from the Netflix show Unusual Stuff they are hungry to feel that low point again.

  11. I’d love to be able to subscribe as a patron directly from your store with no middle man and no risk of corporate interference. If that’s possible I bet there are many more who’d switch over with me.

    In terms of content, I don’t even run *that game* anyway – your content has been very adaptable to the random collection of systems I use, so I’m not going anywhere. Personally, I’m hoping that this will open the door for Angry’s-game-system-that-shall-not-be-named to rise to world domination status when it’s ready.

  12. I haven’t been reading a ton recently due to games falling apart as myself and all of my players have been having kids, but your advice was always incredibly helpful and appreciated. I hope you find a path through the muck here. Your advice in the ttrpg space is unique and amazing.

  13. I just want to let you know that you’ve been the single biggest influence on not just my GMing style but also my general thoughts on game design in general.

    When I discovered you some years ago it was like I was reading the Matrix and thus far you’ve yet to let me down.

    Keep it up!

  14. Long time, no speak. Really surprised and sad to see what that company is doing to that game and the entire community/industry. Apparently they hate money while they crave it. Anyway, congrats on a wedding! My wife still thinks you’re a better D…I mean G…M.

  15. Good luck Angry. We who are about to die (or at least get royally screwed by THAT COMPANY over THAT GAME) salute you.
    I love your content, it’s inspired so much from me, and I would hate to see it go.
    Good luck with the wedding and the future of the site. I will keep reading as long as I can.

  16. If you are concerned about loosing a supporter platform, I would suggest diversifying to include Utreon. It’s a patronage platform with integrated video hosting, and actually accessible human beings instead of layers of obfuscation, so much so that one can get a hold of CEO on Discord to answer questions or take suggestions.

  17. Sad but not unexpected, given the way Hazmat and Lizards of the Coast seem to be approaching this, and the way the Offensive Gaming Licence 1.1 is coming out.

    Will be sticking around for whatever content appears, especially if it’s not associated with THAT GAME. Because the content here is some of the best there is for DMs, whether or not you’re playing THAT GAME, and, QED, you should not be anyway.

    Best of luck.

  18. [i]”Long story short, if there’s a thing you want a copy of of on this site, grab it.”[/i]

    Anyone got any suggestions on the best way to download an offline version of an entire website?

  19. I’m so glad I never gave those money grubbing bastards a cent of my money. Angry, I wish you all the best for the future. If you do end up publishing the angry RPG, you can be sure I’ll be jumping ship to it, and tossing that certain game and its most recent editions in the trash where they belong (and hopefully those money grubbing bastards end up in the trash too at some point).

  20. This is the last straw for me. I’ve stopped buying official DnD products and will discontinue my D&DBeyond account. This decision was made before the OGL leak due to the company constantly forcing me to buy, and re-buy their products for every platform combined with their softening of all the gritty lore to appease a small portion of Karen’s who are pushing politics and agendas onto my favorite hobby. They shit all over their customers with constant monetization and now they’re pulling out the rug with OGL. My petty little protest may not hurt their bottom line but hopefully others are doing the same to affect a change. Lots of other fun RPGs out there.

  21. For the curious, here’s the EFF’s take:


    I’m actually pretty impressed the EFF would pick this up, and I love how they use spell casting as a metaphor for revocation in contract law, or gems like these:

    > Wizards of the Coast wrote D&D’s license to operate like a cursed helm, where you’re doomed the moment you put it on.

    Remember, WotC holds turning a card sideways as part of a card game (https://patents.google.com/patent/US5662332A/en). They’re latest move kind of reminds me of bands that would sue their fans for bootlegging songs. I think any company that toys with the trust of a market of thousands of unpaid content creators by trying to squeeze them for even more juice deserves abandonment, independent of whatever “wiggle room” is available under current licensing agreements. WotC has signaled its willingness to be increasingly adversarial to those whose creative energies support a market for WotC’s products. Even if they don’t follow through, it’s pretty clear they think they own more than they ought to. That’s not a partner acting in good faith, but a trap to be avoided.

  22. Angry, because of your advice my GMing has improved immeasurably. You’ve made clear principles that, on my own, would’ve taken years and years of gaming to uncover.

    Whatever happens, I’m happy to have read your articles. All the long rambling introductions, all the bull$&@!, and all the grawlix, even when they weren’t your best, were informative and entertaining.

    I wish you well, and may the Gods of Law will in our favor.

  23. I tried to learn TTRPG’s with that game. It didn’t work. This site taught me how to GM and now it’s fun. I will follow you into the dark.

  24. I’ve went into 6th edition rumors with one statement: If they mess with my investment into D&D in any major way I have no incentive to invest this again. And while I’m not a creator, I do see this as a “messing” with my investment. I hate it when games becomes corporate money grabs. That’s not fun, I lose my mental investment.
    I was fine with playing D&D even though I know WotC are corporate as heck, because it wasn’t really an issue for D&D right now.

    But, do I need D&D no? I can make my own system if need be. Or I can support companies who aren’t corporation level dumb yet.

    The OGL leaking is really WotCs mask slipping. They got caught before their Death Star was ready, and now they can’t blow up Alderan before the people there has escaped mostly intact.

    • I am not sure what you mean by a new edition messing up your investment. This has been industry standard, from VtM to D&D to CoC, mutants and masterminds etc.

      The OGL on the other hand is classic rug pulling. But hey every other edition some company needs to be reminded that they need customers.

      That being said another company (wargaming) has proven that it can survive and thrive despite their predatory practices so I am not sure how all this will conclude.

      I still find strange that Wizards and Hasbro are ready to bite the hand that feeds them, especially the people on the tubes that had been working for them for free (some reaching the point of outright shilling for them). We will see…

  25. You’re a rock in a stormy sea here Angry, and I’ve appreciated your content for a long time and would hate to see you go.
    Keep fighting the good fight! o7

  26. I hope you keep, um, angrying. Honestly, I’m hoping you make a RPG that implements what you’ve learned, and it gets a good share of the market so playing it is an option.
    I’ll toss a softball.
    Gosh, that probably means I should support your efforts. How would I do that, angry?

  27. I knew there was a reason to start working on my own system (other than wanting to try a classless system, with combat more akin to running it like a dolphin) a few years ago, and here it is – good thing I don’t need many changes to make it setting-agnostic.
    So, any update on the Angry RPG?

  28. Angry I will cheer for you all the way from Italy, and I can’t wait to get my hands on your book! Rest assured on the support of your army of faithful readers
    We’ll be always here for you

  29. When all this started last week I was an angry GM myself. I never even switched to 5e after the whole 4e mess and I’m still pretty POed because THAT company is making it very clear that the ceasefire that’s been in place for 22 years is about to end. Here we are in the 1990s again with TSR suing everyone on Earth who dared compete against them for stupid things like having a Strength and Intelligence score in their rules. Even worse now as THAT company is set to shut down any competition with threats of litigation over “discriminatory content”. (as if they are in any position to stand in judgment of other’s content while hypocritically making content far worse themselves)
    Just know that whatever you do with this site, you have a loyal reader in me. Until now I only supported your site by sharing links to its awesome articles and pushing my players to as well. (your article on The Caller made me and my group adopt this old-school way of playing and it’s made a huge difference!) Now I’ll be making donations to make sure that you’re still here a year from now with the same awesome articles!

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