Recent Posts:

What Do You Do When You Lose the Plot (Part I)

I want to tell you a two-part story about what’s going on with my AD&D 2E campaign because I’ve lost the plot and the campaign feels doomed and I have to fix it and I’m hoping that by telling you this story, I’ll help you launch a campaign you’re excited to run and then fix it when it inexplicably goes to shit for no obvious reason. If you’re one of the players, don’t panic; I’m being hyperbolic. Mostly. Kind of.

Ask Angry February 2025: Agency, Scenario Design, and Fudging Dice

Ask Angry is back by popular demand and part of my new, ongoing content creation plan? What plan? It doesn’t matter. What matters is some dumbass accused me of saying things I didn’t about Agency and now I have to set the record straight for all y’all.

Office Hours: Is Attrition Inertia?

A quick — well, quick for me — aside about whether you can count on D&D’s Attrition Dynamic for all the gameplay Inertia you need.

Explore by Category:

How to Run a Game

Any idiot can run a game. Trust me, I've played lots of games run by lots of idiots. But True Game Masters build their players' Investment and take full Ownership of the game. And this 25-part, year-long course will tell you exactly how to do that.

Hack Your F$&%ing Game

Want to learn how to twist, bend, break, and rebuild the rules of your game to your liking? Want to see a bunch of new rules and systems created by The Angry GM? Start here on the path to becoming a hack like The Angry GM himself.

Angry Table Tales

Do you want to read war stories and recaps from The Angry GM’s campaigns? And then listen while he explains why he does the crap he does at his table? Check out these articles for practical game-table examples and a peek behind Angry's screen.

Random Bulls$&%

Want to read a bunch of random useless gamer theory bulls$%&? If you really want to, these articles are loaded with useless bulls$&%.

Ask Angry

Do you want to see The Angry GM berate a bunch of hapless GMs just like you just because they dared to ask a question? Want to ask a question yourself? Start here to read the Angriest Advice Column about gaming on the web.

S$%& I Don't Hate

Every so often, the Angry GM stumbles on something — a book, a game, a system, a blog, whatever — that is so utterly and amazingly not s$&% that he’s forced to admit he doesn’t actually hate it. Even though he didn’t create it himself, he doesn’t hate that thing. And that’s worth talking about.


Want to dig back through every article the Angry GM has ever posted? Mostly? In order? This archives the place to do it.

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Love the site? Wish you could somehow get all the best bits of advice and read them anywhere? Even places with no internet? Even while pooping? Well, now you can. In book form!

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