Tension About the Tension Pool

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September 23, 2021

I suck at finishing things. I can start s$&% with no problem. But when it comes time to actually finish them? I just suck.

There’s a lot of reasons for that. But they’re between me and my therapist. So butt out.

Anyway, I suck at finishing things. If you wanted to track me across the wilderness of life, you’d just have to follow the detritus of unfinished, discarded projects. And on the rare occasions when I actually do manage to finish something, I immediately declare it unfinished and get back to work on it.

Remember that module I published? Yeah. Already working on a republication to fix the issues I discovered stress-testing it. This is why you stress test s$&% before you release it, I guess. Who knew? And remember that series about open-world gaming? How long did it take me to post the fifth part out of four? And remember last week when I posted the definitely final and totally comprehensive guide to my Tension Pool?

To be fair, though, I knew there was no way that last one would be final or definitive. Which is why we’re talking about it again!

Thanks for the Feedback

Last week, I posted what I claimed was the final, comprehensive, definitive ruleset for my Tension Pool. That’s my brilliant, system-agnostic rule hack that makes time actually matter in TTRPGs and punishes players for inefficient and reckless play. And then I posted it three more times because of typos in the f$&%ing probabilities tables I didn’t even want to include. F$&%ing gamers. And that should have been the end of it. But feedback.

Now, when I say feedback, I mean feedback. Notice how I didn’t put the word in sarcasm quotes or use italics or append the word f$&%ing. I mean, there was some f$&%ing feedback. This is the internet. There’s always some. And, as a content creator on the Internet, you’ve got to be able to take a few handfuls of s$&% to the face.

But this was just honest feedback. Compliments, comments, and lots of questions from people who genuinely liked the whole Tension Pool thing but couldn’t figure out how to use it right. And I’ll take some of the blame for that. Because I do keep revisiting and revising my s$&% and changing it without explaining the changes. And I’ve been revisiting and revising the Tension Pool, specifically, for four years now. Hell, that’s why I put out the This Time I Really Mean It version of the rules.

Aside from that, my writing style — in-depth, exhaustive, and overly wordy analysis combined with mixed metaphors and sweary, stupid analogies that aren’t as funny as I think they are — my writing style works great for analysis and argument and overly critical critique. But it ain’t great for presenting rules.

So I really can’t blame anyone for being confused at this point. Which is why I’m taking today’s article to respond to some of the feedback and clarify a few points in an overly wordy, exhaustive fashion. This ain’t the same as an FAQ, though. Most of the confusion’s down to the fact that I keep changing things. But there is one topic that will end up in the official rules when I inevitably reissue the rules for really real. Probably in six months when I try to sell you custom Tension Pool Dice.

So, that’s what we’re doing today. Let’s get to it.

Why I Changed Whatever

I got a lot of questions asking me why I changed this or that aspect of the Tension Pool or why I discarded something I was doing in the past. Or whatever. And I can explain why I made every change I made to the Tension Pool over the last four years just by telling you the True and Real Story of the Invention of the Tension Pool. And clarify a few other points as well.

The Tension Pool story started in November of 1992. No. Really. It started when computer programmers John Carmack and John Romero began work on a licensed first-person shooter video game based on the Alien franchise. Which they were mainly doing to polish the first-person shooter genre they’d just got done inventing. Unfortunately, they lost the Alien license. So they decided to file off the serial numbers and make a first-person shooter based on their office D&D campaign in which the players were trapped in the Nine Hells.

Fast forward to late 2016. I’d just finished playing the awesome Doom franchise reboot thingy that had just come out. And I wanted to make D&D more like Doom. That version of Doom anyway. Except not in a way that had anything to do with the things that made Doom Doom. So, I decided to write a series of articles about how to build some scavenger-huntery exploration into D&D 5E.

Because, ironically, a game called Dungeons & Dragons is not nearly as good at scavenger-huntery dungeon exploration as a first-person shooter video game about chainsawing demons on Mars.

As with most of the things I start, I had no idea where the f$&% I actually intended to go with it. And, after three articles, I realized that scavenger-huntery exploration just couldn’t work in D&D because D&D didn’t give a flying f$&% about efficient play. Nor did most GMs. Nor did most players. And that was a big problem because scavenger-huntery exploration is the opposite of efficient play. And if the game doesn’t give a s$&% about something, not doing it isn’t a choice.

Now, that efficient play issue isn’t a big deal in a video game. I mean, it is. But it also isn’t. And I don’t get want to get too far off track. The reason efficient play doesn’t have to be an issue in a game like Doom is that, in video games, you can have execution challenges. But, in TTRPGs, execution challenges generally don’t work. I know some people say otherwise but, well, there’s always stupid people in the world. But this is a whole other argument.

Point is, three articles into my series on exploration, I realized I had to make gamers give a s$&% about efficient play. Making efficient decisions. I was on a deadline and didn’t have much time to think all this s$&% out. And, frankly, that was back before I was thinking s$&% out before I started writing about it. So, I had to invent a game mechanic to solve the problem on pretty much the day my paper was due.

And thus I crapped out the first version of the Time Pool.

I had no interest in the Time Pool myself. It was just something I crapped out to fill an article and fix a problem I didn’t have at my table. But that’s a whole other story. Point is, I had no intention of using it myself. And after I wrote it, I realized I’d done all I could do for scavenger-huntery exploration in D&D 5E anyway. It was beyond my help.

But something strange happened. A bunch of people — and I don’t mean a few or even a few dozen; I mean a lot — a bunch of people sent me e-mails saying things like, “hey, I used your Time Pool and it worked really great.” And I said, “you used my what now?”

Look, I’m not bragging here. This ain’t me saying, “I’m so brilliant that I accidentally invent revolutionary mechanics without even noticing.” The truth is, the Time Pool was a crap hack. Practically stolen. I smashed two other ideas together. It’s kind of like the process whereby new Pokémon are invented. Look around the office for an object and then pick an animal at random. Combine then, and now you have Lampyderm! Or Bookulisk! Or Trubbish!

In this case, I combined old-school D&D timekeeping based on exploration turns with visible dice pool mechanics like the Doom Pool from the out-of-print Marvel Heroic Roleplaying game. The logic being you can make players care about things if there’s a scary, visible indicator and that I was trying to make wasting time searching every inch of the dungeon scary. I wish there was more to it than that. But there wasn’t.

But that doesn’t mean I’m not a sexy gaming genius. I am. Once the Time Pool success stories started rolling in — it’s the single most frequently used mechanic I’ve invented so far — I realized there was probably something to it. And I am really good at analyzing mechanics. Especially from a game feel perspective. So I started really digging into the Time Pool. To figure out why it was working.

And once I recognized its potential, I wanted to see what else it could do. And what it could do better. Because I’m all about loaded and elegant mechanics. A loaded mechanic’s one that can solve a lot of different problems. An elegant mechanic is one that’s easy to understand and remember. Basically, I like mechanics that can solve a lot of different problems and can do so as simply as possible.

I tried to find things the Time Pool could do beyond the scavenger-huntery searching of dungeon rooms for traps and treasure. And I tried to simplify it. To pare it down to the fewest number of possible rules. The Tension Pool rules are simple. They’re intuitive. You can keep them in your head. They take just minutes to explain. And players can see precisely what’s happening when you add dice to the pool and then roll the dice to screw them over.

Why did I change the Time Pool or the Tension Pool or whatever? Why did I drop this or that? Change it this way or that? To maximize its versatility and elegance. To make the simplest damned thing possible. To get rid of everything it didn’t need. To make it something that was always there, always on your mind, but that required no thought at all.

You know, like a timer. Like a clock.

Why am I polishing the hell out of it? Because my goal for it changed. The Time Pool — the Tension Pool — isn’t something I just crapped out anymore. It’s something I have big plans for. Because it also helped solve a massive problem in D&D-like RPGs that I never would have seen without it. One I haven’t even talked about yet. Well, I have. But I’ve never talked about it in the context of the Tension Pool. And I won’t. Not for a while.

And aren’t I being mysterious now?

Point is, to some extent, the changes to the Tension Pool are about those big, future plans. It ain’t about D&D anymore. You can use it in D&D. It works great. But I’m grooming it for something more. And grooming all y’all as well. Because I’m using it to change the way you think about a part of TTRPGs that needs some real attention in case I ever decide to usher in the next generation of TTRPGs.

Meanwhile, if you’re having trouble with the changes to the Tension Pool, try this: pretend the Definitive, Final, Comprehensive Version of the Tension Pool is the only version you’ve ever seen. Forget all the other versions and all the other things I’ve written. The rules in that PDF? Those are the only rules. Anything else in your head is Mandela bleed from some other universe that never existed.

Look, I can’t stop you from using older versions of the Tension Pool rules. If you want to use the version with different-sized dice, that’s on you. I can’t stop you from changing the rules, either. But you’re wrong. You’re objectively, provably, axiomatically wrong. The Tension Pool is a player-facing mechanic that changes player behavior. It’s for them, not for you. And it must be simple and intuitive. It must work the same way every time. And it must not distract from gameplay. Don’t f$&% with it.

Different Complication Systems

Everything I just said about how the Tension Pool is perfect and you shouldn’t change it? That doesn’t apply to the Complication s$&% at all. Do whatever the hell you want with Complications. They’re made to be messed with.

When you write a D&D adventure, you don’t change the core game rules. You shouldn’t anyway. You work within the rules to build the adventure. An action’s outcome is always determined by an ability check. And the check’s result is always compared to a static DC. That’s the game rules. What checks you call for and how you stack them up and what success means and how you determine the DCs? That’s adventure-building, game-design stuff.

The Tension Pool rules — add dice, roll dice, clear the pool — the Tension Pool rules are mechanics. Leave them alone. If you f$&% with them, you won’t actually get many benefits, but you might just break the pool. But do whatever the hell you want with Complications. Want to use them as the alert level of an enemy base or enemy computer system? Do it. Want to track the advancement of fronts in your Dungeon World campaign? Do it. Want to make non-complicating Complications and let your players just trip over treasures to loot and dungeons to explore? Do it.

Complications are part of adventure design. Let your creativity shine.

Why Two Pools?

Originally, the Time Pool was called the Time Pool. Then it was the Tension Pool. Now, there’s two different ways to use the rules. They’re similar, but not identical. One’s called the Tension Pool. The other is the Time Pool.

What the actual f$&%?

First, the Tension Pool is the official mechanic. The core mechanic if you want to call it that. It works exactly how it works. Whenever the players take a Time-Consuming Action, add a Tension Die to the Tension Pool. Whenever they take a Reckless Action, roll all the Tension Dice currently in the Tension Pool. Whenever there’s six Tension Dice in the Tension Pool, clear the Tension Pool by rolling the dice and then setting them aside. Whenever you roll the Tension Dice, a 1 on any die indicates a Complication arises. That’s all there is to it.

When using the Tension Pool, you don’t actually worry about how much time is passing or how much time dice represent or any other s$&% like that. Just evaluate each action as Normal, Reckless, Time-Consuming, or Recklessly Time-Consuming. The Pool just keeps running forever, filling and clearing in response to player actions. If the players leave the dungeon while there’s three Tension Dice in the Tension Pool and then spend an hour setting up and securing camp, there’s four dice in the Tension Pool now. If they go to sleep for the night, add another Tension Die to the Tension Pool. If they wake up the next day, return to the dungeon, and search a room for traps, add one more die. Now the Pool’s full. Roll and clear it.

The Time Pool is a variant of the Tension Pool. It changes the Tension Pool to a clock. Every die represents a specific time increment and whenever that amount of in-game time passes, regardless of what the characters do, you add the appropriate dice. Thus, you can use the Time Pool to track time reasonably accurately in your game world, but you do sometimes have to change the temporal resolution. The time scale.

Just Use Random Encounters!

Several folks have helpfully informed me that this whole Tension Pool thing is just a really complicated random encounter system. They then reminded me that most RPGs already have nice, simple rules for rolling random encounters. Those folks are — and I want to be polite here — those folks are idiots. They couldn’t miss the point any harder if they tried.

To some extent, yes, this Tension Pool s$&% is just a complicated way of handling random encounters. And I know that. Because I was ripping off old-school D&D time tracking and random encounter rules when I invented it. I just slapped a visible dice pool mechanic on top. But the dice pool mechanic — and its visibility — is the key to the whole thing.

In the old days, if you spent an hour searching every damned inch of a dungeon room for secret doors, the GM would roll to see if a wandering monster wandered in to eat your face. Your choice to search for a secret door that might not exist had a cost. A risk. A tradeoff. If you didn’t want to spend your life fighting random wandering monsters, you had to be smart about when and where you searched. You didn’t search every square-f$&%ing-inch of the dungeon for traps. You used your brain to guess the most likely spots for traps and you searched those. You looked at the dungeon map to find the negative space and focused your secret door hunts there. At least, if you were smart, that’s how you did it.

And that’s how it has to be. Scavenger hunting can’t be an execution challenge like it often is in video games. It has to be a decision challenge. Which means you need a tool that prevents brute-force solutions. And if none of that s$&% makes sense to you, don’t worry about it.

The point is that, while the Tension Pool is just another way of handling random encounters, it’s one that tells the players that every random encounter they deal with is their own damned fault. And the indicator is staring them in the face. If they don’t want to deal with endless random crap, they’ve got to think long and hard about when to search and when to just risk a poisoned dart to the face. To consider the pros and cons of smashing through doors, picking locks, or just looking for keys. Thus, exploring a dungeon becomes a series of interesting choices and tradeoffs and not just a pile of die rolls to search everywhere and check everything.

The Tension Pool just moves the time tracking to where the players can see it. And that f$&%s with their heads. In a way that just knowing the GM is tracking time in some nebulous way can’t. It also makes time feel less arbitrary. Less like something the GM just fiats. The flow of time is inevitable and unstoppable. Even the GM obeys the flow of time.

This all just goes to prove what I keep trying to tell you: actual game mechanics are way less important than how that s$&% feels at the table. If you moved the Tension Pool behind the screen but did it all the same exact way, it would be mechanically the same. And it wouldn’t work.

All of that said, if you use the Tension Pool strictly as a wandering monster generator, you’re going to overwhelm your players. The odds of a Complication every hour run pretty high. You’ll be averaging two random encounters every three hours. If Complications are broad and most are small and low impact, that’s a good frequency. But if every Complication’s a monster — even a nuisance monster — that’s going to tax your party. So make sure you include some harmless monsters on the list. Normal rats, swarms of bats, things that spook the party but can’t hurt them.

Of course, if you’re old-school enough to remember reaction rolls, you’ll be fine since not every wandering monster is itching for a fight.

Virtual Tabletops and the Tension Pool

This issue was inevitable. Lots of folks wanted to know how to use the Tension Pool in their online game using whatever virtual tabletop they were using.

And I don’t have an answer. Sorry. The inability to easily add house rules to or use tokens, indicators, or props in a VTT game is just one more way online gaming sucks donkey balls. VTT means core rules only.

I run online games. These days, I mostly run them through a Zoom call with a webcam pointed down at a wipe-off gridded board on my desk. That makes it really easy to use the Tension Pool. I just make sure it’s on camera. My VTT games use Fantasy Grounds. In Fantasy Grounds, you can share multiple maps or images in separate windows with your players. I made a Tension Pool image to keep open at all times. I add tokens to it as it fills and the players can always see it.

When it comes to other VTTs? I got nothing. Sorry. I don’t use Roll20 anymore. It’s frustrating and limited and time-consuming. I hate it. I’ve never tried Foundry. I haven’t played much with Bugbear Rodeo or whatever the f$&% it is. And I don’t develop apps or add-ons. There’s not much I can do for you.

The big problem is that the Tension Pool literally doesn’t work unless everyone can see it. Or see something filling up from zero to six. And it can’t be closed or hidden. It always has to be waiting to catch everyone’s attention. Otherwise, it’s just an overly complicated wandering monster system.

How to Actually Use the Tension Pool

Lots of people have asked lots of little, technical, nitty-gritty questions about how to actually use the pool at the table. Questions about when to add dice, when to roll them, where to roll them, that kind of thing. Fair enough. I thought this s$&% was so obvious as to be self-evident, but that’s because I wrote the system. It’s easy for me to grasp it intuitively. It lives in my brain.

First, all the fiddling you do with the Tension Pool happens during your Action Adjudication. You know how your players say things like, “my character does this,” and then you evaluate the action? You decide whether it can succeed and whether it can fail and whether it’s got some kind of risk and whether you need some rules to determine the outcome and which rules to use and what ability score to use with the rules and whether a proficiency counts? While you’re doing all of that s$&%, you also have to decide whether the action is Time-Consuming or Reckless or Both.

Once you’ve figured out everything you need to figure out to resolve the action, you usually Resolve the Action, right? And that’s when you add Tension Dice to the Tension Pool and Roll the Pool if you have to. It’s part of the Action Resolution step.

Now, Complications shouldn’t change the outcome of an action. The rules are clear: if the ability check succeeds, so does the action. If a Complication does arise as part of the action resolution, it can be a consequence of the action. That’s fine. But it can’t change the action’s outcome. Ten years ago I told you that Outcomes and Consequences were different things. That hasn’t changed. So, you can hurt yourself battering down a door or you can break your lockpicks picking a lock, but the door or the lock still opens.

As for whether you roll the Tension Pool in front of the players or behind the screen, it doesn’t really matter, but I hide it behind the screen. I’m old school. I like rolling s$&% behind the screen. I like to keep my players on edge. And honestly, my gut tells me that if you roll in front of the players and a Complication arises, they’re going to be distracted waiting for that Complication if you decide to hold off on introducing it for a few minutes. Call it waiting for the other sword of Damocles to drop syndrome. Keeping the Tension Pool rolls hidden usually causes the players to assume that every bad thing that happens in the game came from the Tension Pool. Which amplifies its effect on player behavior. Which I like.

As for how you classify s$&% as Time-Consuming or Reckless? Look, I can’t do your job for you. You’re the GM. Evaluating actions is your job. Are the distinctions a little fuzzy? Might two GMs make two different calls given the same circumstances? Might you make a different call than I would? Yes. Abso-f$&%ing-lutely. If you aren’t okay with that, GMing a TTRPG ain’t the job for you. Go program computers.

Note though that there’s a difference between risky and Reckless. And I specifically used the word Reckless for actions that lead to rolling the Tension Pool. If you’re running your game right, every action that requires a die roll is risky. Otherwise, you wouldn’t roll dice to resolve it. Reckless goes beyond risk-taking. It’s ignoring imminent danger or obvious consequences. Or deciding those consequences are worth the risk for an immediate payoff. It’s flirting with disaster. Deliberately or not. Camping in the wilderness isn’t Reckless. That’s a normal adventuring activity. It carries a normal adventuring risk. But if the trees around you are splashed with orc-signs painted in blood and you keep passing skulls on pikes and you’re unmistakably in a patch of claimed orc territory? Camping there is Reckless.

As a GM, I’ve built a habit of issuing Player Warnings over the years. So when a player says, “I’m going to search this entire room for traps,” I say, “you know that’s going to take a long time right?” And if a player says, “I’m going to threaten the guard captain to get the information,” I say, “you know that could have bad consequences, right?” The Tension Pool basically fills the same role as those warnings. “You can do that, but I’m going to add a Tension Die to the Tension Pool.” Or, “okay, but I have to roll the Tension Pool.”

Side Note: On the Making of Active Perception Checks

One commenter asked about how the Tension Pool works “when players choose to make active Perception checks.” I was going to ignore that comment because of how f$&%ing angry it made me, but then several other people e-mailed me with basically the same question.

So, I hate you all and I have to address it.

What do you do with the Tension Pool when players choose to make active Perception checks? Nothing. Because that is not a f$&%ing thing that happens. It can’t happen. And if it does happen, you need to stop it. Otherwise, I will find you and I will destroy your GMing screen. Because you won’t be allowed to run games anymore. I’ll revoke your f$&%ing license.

This isn’t a Tension Pool thing. It’s a thing to do with Passive Perception. Let me spell it out:

As a GM, you use a Passive Perception score to determine whether a creature notices something when they aren’t actively searching for anything. Creatures have senses. Those senses are always turned on. Always gathering information. If there’s a hidden thing — a goblin waiting in ambush, say — in a PC’s line of sight, there’s a chance the PC’s eyes or ears will register some sign of it. That’s what eyes and ears do.

If creatures — like the PCs — fail to notice s$&% outright but suspect there’s something to be found, they can search for the thing. They can fan out and look around and look under things and behind things. They can part the underbrush. They can look under the bed. They can tap the walls and listen for hollows. They can run their staves along the floor feeling for out-of-place tiles. And if the PCs — or any creatures — search an area, you — as a GM — resolve it with a Wisdom (Perception) check.

A Wisdom (Perception) check doesn’t mean that a creature is “looking around really hard” or being “really attentive.” It means they are deliberately searching an area because they suspect something is hidden there and they want to find it. They are interacting with their environment and anyone looking on — like a hidden goblin — will see that they’re conducting an active search. And such a hidden goblin might leap out and kill the wizard rather than wait to be discovered.

I don’t care what the rules say. Or what they imply. Or how you interpret them. Or how you prefer to run things. You’re just wrong if you do things differently. And if the game designers disagree with me, they’re wrong. Wouldn’t be the first time either. I know I’m right because it’s the only way this s$&% makes sense. In a role-playing game, the players decide what their characters do and the GM resolves those actions using the rules as necessary. This means any time the players interact with the game world, the PCs must be taking an action in the game world. That’s actually why Passive Perception exists. The designers invented it to handle the characters’ awareness of the world when there wasn’t an action to take or a reason to take it. And that problem only existed because D&D is really careless with the idea of actions and actors. See also Intelligence checks to identify creatures on sight.

If you handle Perception — and Insight and Investigation — this correct way, it’s easy to use the Tension Pool. Actively searching for anything at all? That’s Time-Consuming. Add a Tension Die.

The F$&%ing Six-Day Week

I’m going to end on this one because it’ll leave me too pissed off to continue. I fully expected to get some flak over the whole six-day week thing. That’s why I called attention to it in the first place. I was hoping the majority of you would say, “oh, okay, he knows what he’s doing and it’s not actually a big deal.” But no. Of f$&%ing course not. To date, I’ve gotten a crap-ton of suggestions of how I can fix the problem. Or change the Time Pool at the Days-and-Weeks scale to eliminate the problem.

Do you remember what I said about elegance? There is absolutely nothing elegant about changing the way the Time Pool works at the one time scale at which you’re going to use it the least. So, no. No changing the Time Pool rules for Days-and-Weeks scale. Just no.

Now, let me ask you a question about this problem that is in desperate need of a fix:

When the motherloving f$%& has it ever actually mechanically mattered in any way in your game how many f$&%ing days there are in a f$&%ing week? When? When has that s$&% ever had even the slightest impact on how your game played out? I want a solid, concrete example of a time when your game would have been fundamentally different if your in-game weeks had one less day in them?

That’s a rhetorical question. Because it has never, ever in the history of fantasy gaming actually mattered in the slightest how many days there are in a week. F$&%ing never.

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27 thoughts on “Tension About the Tension Pool

    • From the previous article:

      “Because the Tension Pool represents the merciless forward march of time — and the consequent rise in narrative tension — no one should have the power to mess with the Tension Pool. Don’t invent class abilities, spells, or even monster abilities that add or remove Tension Dice from the Pool. At best, you can build game effects that force you to roll the pool, like a security alarm or a monster screaming for help.”

      If the players can mess with the Pool or Dice, then the whole system breaks apart.

  1. “As for whether you roll the Tension Pool in front of the players or behind the screen, it doesn’t really matter, but I hide it behind the screen.”

    Agreed. Even just the few seconds of mystery after the dice fall is sweet, with the tension rocketing. But I’ll remember that it’s okay either way too. Thanks for the answer!

  2. I gotta say, there are a few questions I had after reading last week’s article, and I expected to see them addressed when I read the title of this article. I was surprised none of them came up.

    1) What happens when a player takes a Reckless action when the pool is empty? Immediately after the pool gets cleared, can the players then just freely act Recklessly forever with absolutely zero consequences as long as they never slow down long enough to add a die? That is some strange behavioral conditioning if so.

    2) When using the Time Pool as written, it establishes that the game world is just more dangerous (or at least more complicated) at certain times of the hour. Why is the guard more likely to cause trouble if I bully him at 7:50 than if I bully him at 8:10? That is a bizarre break with reality that would totally take me out of the game.

    3) This is much more of a subjective thing, but the way you talk about tension in storytelling generally, it seems like tension is supposed to build until something scary happens, then it breaks and drops back to a low level before slowly building again. It seems to me like that breaking point is when a complication occurs — you roll a 1 and a monster jumps out at you or whatever. When you deal with the complication, everyone should exhale the breath they’ve been holding and the pool should clear. Then the tension slowly ramps up again as dice start filling the pool again. But as written, the dice stay in the pool after a complication happens…but then they clear every six dice even if a complication isn’t rolled? That seems to contradict the idea of narrative tension the pool is supposed to emulate. I fully admit I haven’t actually used the Tension Pool in practice yet, though, so this point is theoretical and I could just be talking out my ass.

    • 1) It’s covered in the previous article, precisely where it says “If there are no Tension Dice currently in the Tension Pool, pick up one Tension Die and roll it, but do not add it to the Tension Pool.”

      2) Maybe that’s not the correct context to use the time pool, then? It’s not really presented as a “universal-always-use this” system, just one for when time matters; maybe time doesn’t matter for bullying the guard. Also, who says what the “complication” is anyway (the GM, of course)? It doesn’t have to have anything to do with how the hypothetical guard responds, unless the GM thinks it should. Maybe in this instance pool represents the risk that someone notices/has a chance to notice that, for example, the PCs are being suspicious and trying infiltrate whatever is being guarded. Maybe the weather shifts to be less favourable. Etc.

      Also, Angry notes, “The Time Pool approach does involve some abstraction and handwaving and it takes a few sessions of play for players to get used to it”. Thinking about it in terms of precise minutes avoids the simplifying abstraction that the system introduces; the point is to not have to track precise minutes.

      3) Sometimes tension is just that – a looming threat that never materializes. If it always results in something, the uncertainty is removed, and it’s less tension and more, say, dread.

      If you want to reflect a particularly tense scenario, maybe toss a few more dice in after clearing as a “baseline” tension level – there’s a lot of flexibility for tweaking here.

    • 1) you always roll at least one die, so just roll the die and don’t add to the pool. I forget if that made it into the PDF, but somebody brought it up in the comments and Angry said he’d get it back in there.

      2) I suspect that this wouldn’t bother you as much in game as it does in theory, though of course I could be wrong.

      3) I look at it not as narrative tension but psychological tension. Imagine a rock climber slipping and catching themselves part way up a difficult section of cliff. You wouldn’t immediately relax once you got a grip, you might take a few breaths, but until you got above that shelf (or whatever) you’d stay pretty focused. Story style tension is on the adventure scale (escaping the dungeon, beating the boss, etc.) Not the action by action scale.

    • Your first question was answered in the rules last article actually.
      “If there are no Tension Dice currently in the Tension Pool, pick up one Tension Die and roll it, but do not add it to the Tension Pool.”
      It’s the second point under the “Rolling the Tension Pool” header.

      As for your second question, it’s kind of a non-question. As in, it’s like asking why a player action fails when they roll lower then the DC. Interpreting the rules and mechanics of the game to provide a believable explanation that doesn’t break the reality of the world to the players is one of the GM’s most important jobs.

      As for your third question, your just misunderstanding how the tension pool works. The tension pool is NOT a physical representation of tension rising and falling. It’s a mechanic that creates the FEELING of rising and falling tension in the players heads. Hopefully that clears up the confusion.

    • In regards to #3 specifically, I have been tempted to clear the pool after ANY complication, in order to assist in the falling action of that rise and fall pattern, but I feel I don’t have enough experience with the tension pool yet to judge the impact of that kind of change. (If anyone has experiential evidence that this is a good or bad idea, I’d love to hear it)

      I have no problem with clearing it after it fills, whether or not there’s a complication, for the reasons TheCledwyn mentioned. The tension was there, whether or not a complication occurred. The players still experience tension as the pool fills, and they still get to breathe a sigh of relief when it clears.

    • To add to what everyone else already wrote about the first point, you shouldn’t players shouldn’t let your players make many immediate actions in a row without time passing, you have to stabilish your own limits drpending on the nature of those actions. Even walking though a couple of empity rooms add to the time, immediate actions should too advance time depending on the number of them and their nature.

    • 1) As already noted, the rules were quickly edited after posting to include a forgotten rule: if there are zero dice in the Tension Pool, roll one.

      2) The guard is not more likely to cause trouble at 7:50 than at 8:10 because Complications need not arise directly from a reckless action. As a GM, you’ve got to balance those actions. Every hour of game time carries a flat 66% chance of a Complication arising. You roll it at the end of the hour and bring the Complication into play sometime in the next hour. However, if the players take reckless actions, every reckless action adds to that probability. Yes, reckless actions are more likely to lead to complications if you’ve been going for a while without a Complication, but that’s how narrative tension works and not related to time or the hour of the day. This is one of those things that hurts your brain if you over-analyze the mechanic, but if you actually sit down and use the mechanic in play, you almost never notice. It’s kind of like how hit points are stupid given any slight thought but work perfectly fine if you just play the game.

      • 1) Yeah, I read the article when it first came out and didn’t realize it had been edited. My bad.

        2) There’s a few things I’d like to push back on here. First, it doesn’t matter how the complication manifests, whether it’s the guard causing trouble or it just starts raining later in the hour. The point is that it’s more likely that *something bad* happens if you act Recklessly at certain times of day. You can look at the clock and say “Wait, don’t bully that guard yet, it’s 7:50. Let’s stand around for ten minutes and THEN bully the guard when the overall risk level of the world is lower.” That doesn’t make logical sense to me.

        Second, Reckless actions don’t add to the probability of a complication happening that hour, they introduce a chance of an extra complication *on top of* the one you already get every hour. If you act Recklessly at 7:50, you roll 5 dice and then immediately roll 6 dice when the pool fills and likely get two complications back to back. If you wait until 8:00, you roll the guaranteed 6 dice but then roll only 1 die for your Reckless action.

        Third, you say “reckless actions are more likely to lead to complications if you’ve been going for a while without a complication,” which I want to address because it’s not true. I’d love it if it were true, in fact it’s actually the crux of my question #3. But as written, reckless actions are more likely to lead to complications if you’ve been going for a while *since the pool was cleared,* which under the Time Pool just means a certain time of day. You can clear the pool without rolling a 1, and that still resets the Recklessness risk level. This is why I suggested clearing the pool whenever any complication occurs, because this statement represents how I thought it should go and that would make it actually true.

        • I want to clarify that my issues here are only with the Time Pool, not the regular Tension Pool. I don’t care if players metagame the Tension Pool and try to exploit the narrative tension by strategically taking Reckless actions when they’re at their most relaxed. That’s fine and I’d encourage it.

          But that’s because under the Tension Pool, dice are just abstract representations of mounting tension, they don’t explicitly map to clock time. It’s that part that I find jarring, and it takes me out of the world. You’re right, HP are also stupid and an abstraction and I live with those, but an abstraction that messes with time makes my brain hurt even more, I guess. I feel like a consistent world that (mostly) makes sense is the foundation upon which players can make informed choices, which is the definition of roleplaying. I’m not willing to make that tradeoff in exchange for easier timekeeping.

          • I had the same instinctual problems with the Time Pool as you, but I’ve just had a bit of an epiphany about it. I’m perfectly fine with the Tension Pool bringing in a narrative mechanic by penalizing “time-consuming actions” with rising risk, but for some reason I have a negative reaction to the idea of time automatically increasing risk in the Time Pool. But… hang on… (here’s the epiphany) that’s the same thing… just more precise and consistent. In the Tension Pool, the stakes rise when someone decides to spend 10 minutes searching a room, while in the Time Pool, the stakes rise when that time passes, regardless of whether they were spent searching the room.

            I still feel that the Tension Pool models the narrative structure a bit better, because a bunch of quick actions that add up to 10 minutes may not FEEL like tensions should be rising in the same way that staying in that one room to search it FEELS like pushing your luck with wandering monsters, but after thinking of it this way, I am much more comfortable with making that slight sacrifice in order to ALSO track time efficiently. Basically, if you were going to codify it, I think the Tension Pool says “any single action that takes x amount of time raises the stakes,” while the Time Pool says “the stakes are raised for every x amount of time that passes,” and when I frame it that directly, the difference feels much less drastic to me.

            I know this all probably seems obvious to anyone who was already comfortable with the Time Pool, but it helped me, and hopefully it helps you, Pheonix.

        • Maybe it’s just my math-obsessed autistic brain speaking, but this point 2) really bothers me. That’s why I think instead of ‘roll the dice in the pool’, a reckless action should result in ‘Roll 3d6’. Then recklessness is equally reckless at all times. When I find some players to test this mechanic on, I will use 3d6.

    • 3) You are talking out of your ass. Since you admit the possibility, I feel okay saying that. As I noted in the section “I’ve never tried this but I have an opinion,” frankly, your opinion of how a mechanic feels in play that you’ve never played doesn’t hold a lot of water. But I understand your concerns, so forgive my snark.

      Tension in stories doesn’t just rise and fall. On the large scale, it trends upward to the climax of the narrative and then resolves. On the medium scale, it tends to rise and fall. On the small scale, it spikes sometimes and dips other times. If it’s a perfect cycle, it doesn’t work. Because, remember, Tension is a measure of the unexpected. And perfect cycles don’t surprise people. Tension rises as the Tension Pool fills. Then, the Pool is rolled and either a Complication happens or it doesn’t. Either way, Tension is relieved. Either the disaster we knew was coming came or we squeaked by without issue for another hour. It’s different kinds of relaxation though. One is “phew, the worst happened and we survived” vs. “well, now we’re just pushing our luck.” Sometimes, however, players gamble on immediate payoffs with reckless actions. Those feed off the existing Tension in the scene but they don’t diffuse the overall Tension, just the Tension in the moment. “That was reckless and we got away with it” or “that was reckless and we paid for it.” Are you missing the fact that the Time Pool gets rolled every hour before it clears? So there is always that medium-term Tension Relief of either something bad happening or nothing bad happening?

      • I agree with pretty much everything you said here, though, up to and including that I’m talking out of my ass and my opinion doesn’t hold water. You’re right, it’s not really an opinion about how the mechanic plays, more a question about how tension in stories works and how that applies to the Tension Pool, which you’ve answered.

        I hadn’t considered that, even if nothing bad happens, rolling six dice is itself a moment of high tension and relief. Also, that bad things happening because of your own Reckless actions isn’t tension relieving, because you brought it on yourself and it only reinforces that the situation is tense. I think I’m still curious about a variant that relies more on playing up the gambler’s fallacy in players’ brains — “It’s been a long time since we’ve rolled a 1, and now it’s more likely we’ll roll a 1!” But you’ve convinced me that the rules work as written and I should try those first and shut my mouth until I’ve seen how it plays at the table.

        Thank you for your thorough explanations of your thought processes behind these tools!

  3. Thank you for this clarification, I was about to drop the tension pool entirely because of this issue I just understood:

    The point of the tension pool is to be visible, but I can roll it behind the screen and I can introduce the complication at any convenient time because they don’t see the 1s and know a complication is about to drop, they just assume something is about to come and if / when it does they know why.

    If I rolled it openly (as I do by default), I thought, what’s the point? That there are reckless actions. So I was about to just openly roll 1d6 for time consuming actions, but 2d6 if the action was reckless, if a 1 appears a complication immediately jumps to their faces and call it a day.

    Now I understand that in this case there is a good reason to roll behind the screen and that being visible is fundamental.

    Anyway, the point of my comment was just to thank you and clarify that it was really helpful to me.

  4. Is it a good idea to use the Time Pool and Tension Pools at the same time? Or should I use your overland travel system with the 6d6 for the daily complications and discovery thing instead?

    My players are currently exploring a large mountain valley that is infested with ogres. The ogres are organized and have alert systems, but there are other areas of the valley which harbor their own kinds of danger, so an alert system on it’s own wouldn’t encapsule all possible complications. AND they’re five days away from the reincarnation of an ancient evil dragon.

    So now I’m torn between which of all of these systems to use. I could use all at once, but it’d be a LOT of complications per day.

    • Instead of using the time pool on a one hour scale use it on a day scale (each dice meaning a period of 4 hours)
      Take a look at the “Tension on the road to Elturel” article for a detailed usage of this method.
      It’s also good to remember that you can always change the scale on the fly by using the rules included on the pdf

  5. I love the Time/Tension Pool just as it is. I’ve used the Time Pool more than Tension Pool so far, and it makes the tracking of time so much easier. I’m running a murder mystery and I’ve gone from “the walk across town took an hour, getting past the guard was 20 min., and you investigated the house for an hour, so it’s now…5pm” to “crossing town, getting past the guard, and investigating the house used up one of your 6 units of time today. I”ll add a die and it’s now about dinner time. Another investigation day is coming to an end. Will someone else die tonight?” It’s so much easier and the abstraction has not taken anything meaningful from my players. They also have a better sense of what choosing to investigate over here vs. over there is costing them. Well done!

    I will offer one minor tweak to the mechanics that I use in certain circumstances, one I don’t think takes anything from the ease and elegance of the system. My campaign involves a lot of discovery of and delving into different planes of existence. Whenever my players are on a different plane, I switch from d6s to d4s. This is the only change I make. I want the planes to feel more risky and dangerous. I want it to feel like the planes fight back against the players’ presence, so I want more complications (I haven’t done the math to determine the statistical increase, but it feels more dangerous). I want my players to constantly evaluate if they should keep pushing forward or turn back. Because the planes are the “underworld” (to reference your past post on narrative structure); no matter how strong my players get and how far they can delve, they will never conquer the underworld to the same extent that they’ve conquered the overworld.

      • I know I know, put the risk and danger in the complications, not the mechanics. Thing is, I want to telegraph to my players the moment they step on a plane: you’re not in Kansas anymore, proceed at your own peril. Or basically, f*** around and find out. The switch from d6s to d4s adds a table feeling of increased danger: every choice here, whether time-consuming or reckless, carries increased risk. My players feel that when they see the switch. And then, it doesn’t feel like such a screw job (or a “you must be this level to proceed”) when I complicate their traipse across the Gaping Maw with a twin-headed T Rex hot on their scent. But hey, it’s my table, so I guess I’ll just run my game in this wrong way that I want.

  6. As VTTs and Foundry were mentioned, I just wanna point out to any commenters that are interested that there exists a Foundry Module named “Tension Pool” that gives the GM a way of adding tension dice to a bar under the chat. There is not, as far as I can see, a way of rolling them so only GM can see them, though.

  7. For what little it’s worth, on Roll20 I use a rollable token to represent the pool- I just have to make sure it’s on the same map as the players and visible to them. I’ve also made macros that will roll the Tension Pool (and announce to the players that that’s what I’m doing), and for the complication tables I make. I use one of the 6-prong clocks from Tiffany Munro’s Eldritch Tracking Clocks. Just right click the token and select the side to ‘add a die’. It’s not as simple as dropping a die into a bowl, but I do all my gaming online, so workarounds must be found.

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