Three Short Stories from Around the Angryverse

Trying to clear my desk before I head off for my writer’s retreat. Found these three, short topics scribbled on bits of paper and hacked them into a crappy three-for-one article about setting DCs, using passive checks properly, and instructing players.

Busman’s Holiday

The Angry GM is going away for two weeks. He’ll still be mailing in content, but no one will be able to reach him. Just leave him alone and let him recharge.

September Interim Update

Some updates, some announcements, and an invitation to tell me what content you want in the coming weeks and months.

Ask Angry August Mailbag

It’s mailbag time. This month, I discuss Old School Hack, wilderness encounters, encouraging your players to do things they don’t like, and adding warfare to your D&D campaign.

The Game You SHOULD Run

It’s bulls$&% time. And that means complaining about my correspondents again. This time, I’m complaining about how no one understands how to make decisions anymore.

AngryCraft: What’s in an Item

It’s that time of the month: it’s time to make incremental progress on AngryCraft. This time, I define all of the different kind of things you’d make stuff out of.

Sending Players to the Bench

Ideally, your game will have a perfect one-to-one ratio of players to characters. But sometimes the characters split up or a player skips a game or someone gets killed. What do you do then?

Ask Angry July Mailbag

Time to open up the ole mailbag again. This time, I’m talking about how to let your players play two parties, expounding on game balance, telling people how to help their depressed GMs, and explaining why I totally suck and how I’m going to fix it.

Angry’s Two-Note Player-Character

There’s a better way to role-play. A more genuine, more engaging way. You just have to start playing your character before you know anything about them. Sounds crazy, I know. But let me explain…

Angry’s Two-Note NPC

How can you possibly populate an entire world with relatable NPCs and role-playing them effectively? You can’t. Because you suck. But here’s how you can fake it.

Checking In

Not dead. Am back. Sorry. Articles coming.

Kobold Draft Picks

Homebrew adventures work so much better with custom-designed monsters. So let’s design some kobolds for my kobold adventure.

An Angry Shower Scene

Come into my shower. Lather up. Rinse off. And let your bored brain do a bunch of heavy lifting to make your adventure and scene design easier.

Angry, Save My Map

It’s time for you to vote on which cartographer needs my help the most in the “Angry, Save My Map” contest. And then pick the cartographer who doesn’t belong in this contest the most too.

You Can Quit Encounters Anytime You Want

Why can’t you run a complex, engaging encounter with nothing but a paragraph of prose description and a copy of the PHB handy? Because you’re a system junkie, that’s why.