Okay, this is just a quick update to let you know what’s going in the Angryverse. I’ve made a slight change to my schedule for this week. Actually, it was the schedule for last week that changed, but it affects this week because I work a week ahead.
May has an extra week. As I mentioned. And whenever there’s an extra week in a month, I get a week free of putting out a feature article. Because of that whole “four a month” thing. Partly, I don’t want to overcharge my Patrons and partly, I need a day off every once in a while. Especially now that I’m working pretty damned hard again.
Initially, I had considered putting out a Megadungeon Monday post and an Ask Angry column this week – which meant writing them last week – but I’ve decided to just take the week off. See, last week went kind of crazy. First of all, I announced that I’m writing the book. Which is something I’ve known for a while. But I ended up spending a lot of time talking to the people involved and working a lot of stuff out. I also had to do a bunch of corporatey business stuff regarding registering to pay payroll taxes and other s$&% like that. I also ended up being pretty bogged down with my physical therapy. It turns out, I have two totally separate injuries that need to be treated that were masking each other. Lucky me. And then I announced ANOTHER project for my Frienemy and higher level Patrons involving a free bestiary and a new system for building custom monsters and encounters. And the schedule for recording Digressions & Dragons changed, which required some rejiggering.
Here’s the thing: I am now going into two months of crunch time. Between three days of content of week on my site, Digressions & Dragons, GM Word of the Week, the book, and starting the Angryverse bestiary, I have a lot of work to fill my time. Physical therapy has gotten more complicated and will require an increased time commitment. And in three months, The Tiny GM and I are moving from Chicago up to Wisconsin. So I have to manage my time like a f$&%ing boss.
All told, last week, I was focused on back-end and administrative stuff. So, this week is going to be a content free week. Since I’ve got the extra week in the month, I’m going to use it. Yes, that means no Megadungeon today and no Feature on Wednesday and no Ask Angry on Thursday. I’m sorry. But the rest of May is on target. This isn’t the beginning of a massive backslide. I swear. It’s just hitting the break and depressing the clutch so I can shift the transmission into a higher gear. I think that’s how stick-shifts work. I don’t know.
If I’m quiet this week, don’t panic. Everything is fine. Better than fine. I have not felt this excited and wound up in a long time. I am cranking into high gear. You’ll get the usual content for May starting on May 7, 2018. In the meanwhile, I’m outlining and scheduling and negotiating with artists and editors and talking to the two people who are going to be proofing the Angryverse Bestiary.
In addition, for the next eight weeks, I’m going to make it a point to update you guys on what’s going on behind the scenes here at Angry Games, Inc. so that you know I’m still here and chugging away to give you the best damned content I can.
Thank you, all of you, for your ongoing support and encouragement. Thanks for believing in me and for being patient with me while I got my s$&% in order. And now let me show you what I’m capable of.
Angry bestiary? I’d love to hear more about this
Nice. I’m a new DM who just finished reading through most of the old articles (including megadungeon) and all your content has been incredibly helpful. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with in the future.
Will this bestiary be for Patrons only or is there any chance that it will be possible to buy them separately?
At this time, there are no plans to publish or sell it.
What pledge level will be required to have access to the bestiary?
It will be in the Secret Stash. So, it’s a Frienemy level pledge. $3.75 per article for four articles a month or $15 as a one shot per month pledge.
“And now let me show you what I’m capable of.” is about the Dragonball Z-est ending to an Angry article I’ve ever read.
You mean this isn’t even the website’s final form?
In the world of RPGs, I’m a Square-Enix boss. I’ve got at least three more forms.
It doesn’t matter to the point, but if you are shifting into a higher gear, you wouldn’t push the brake. You want to shift quickly, and lose as little speed as possible. You would still have the lull when the engine is disengaged from the tires, so you still slow down, but hopefully very little (like one week’s worth of content).
I’m taking an extra week off because I have to deal with responses like this. In fact, I quit.
No new posts. Looks like he wasn’t bluffing.
Didn’t realize how close to home you were. I live in Chicago currently, am from Wisconsin originally. What part of Wisconsin are you planning on moving to? Any plans to do a book promotion event or something along those lines?
Good luck, Angry GM. I hope it goes well.