Update: Rumors of my Death… Are Justified. Wrong, But Justified

April 11, 2020

Hey all, remember me?

Yeah, I want to check in as my absence on various platforms has been noted and, in this day and age, people assume the absolute worst if you suddenly up and vanish for any length of time.

So, let me put the rumors to bed. Yes, I have been ill. Yes, I have been seen by a respiratory specialist. And, yes, there are pretty good odds I have been infected with COVID-19. But, no, I have not been hospitalized. And no, I am not dying. And yes, I am at  home. And yes, I am recovering.

I kind of struggled with what information I should put out, but ultimately, I settled on the truth. So, here’s what happened. I promise, it’ll be quick.

About a week and a half ago, I started suffering from minor respiratory symptoms that felt for all the world like a chest cold and some flu-like symptoms. Not terribly serious at first. But then I began running fevers. Although my immune system is not what you’d call “rock solid,” running fevers is very unusual for me. So I contacted my doctor and was referred to a respiratory specialist at a COVID-19 testing facility. By then, I was feeling pretty exhausted, fatigued, achey, headachey, and I was getting short of breath even from minor activity. And I was running fevers off and on. And my sense of taste was really off. That was annoying. Due to limited testing resources in my state, and due to the fact that my symptoms were not life threatening, and due to the fact that I am not an essential worker or health-care worker and could easily remain in self-isolation, and the fact that I had not had contact with any individual known to be infected, I was not tested for the Commie Croup. However, two days later, I learned that I had, in fact, likely had casual contact with someone who tested positive. Had that information been available when I was seeing the doctor, I certainly would have been tested for the Bat Bug. But because my symptoms were already starting to abate and because they weren’t life threatening, I didn’t see the need to waste the health system’s resources. Obviously, if anything had worsened, I would have contacted a doctor immediately. But I was pretty stable and contented myself to stay in isolation and sleep it off, as it were. The doctor gave me excellent advice for taking care of myself and while I was officially diagnosed as having bronchitis, I was advised to act as if I had the Kung Flu and treat it accordingly.

I am doing quite well. Like the vast majority of infected individuals, my symptoms are not very severe. Comparatively speaking. They are on par with a minor flu or a serious cold. They’re just lingering a little longer than I’d like. As of today, April 11, I’ve been fever free for about two days. And my symptoms are abating every day. So it’s all good. And, of course, because I have not been tested, I can’t even say for sure that I really was infected with the Bat Broth Bug.

At this point, now that I am starting to feel better, I’m just eager to get back to work. For the Patrons who are a part of my Discord server, I will be holding my monthly live chat on Tuesday, April 14 at 9:00 PM EDT. And I’m going to start pushing content out this week. This month may come up one article short, in which case Patron supporters will only be charged for three articles. I figure I can let myself have an unpaid week off due to getting literally the plague. I hope that’s okay. I know that I was initially supposed to hold a contest at the start of this month. I’ll be pushing that forward in the next week. I still have the prize and it needs to go to someone. And it’s one of the best ways I can think of to say thanks to everyone for your support and for sticking by me. Especially to all of you who have reached out to me and made sure I’m doing okay.

So, expect a new article by the end of this week and we’ll go from there, okay? Everyone stay safe and healthy and keep your spirits up. To my Christian followers, I hope you have a Happy Easter despite the current conditions in the world. And God bless. To my Jewish followers, I wish you a joyous and kosher Passover. And thank you all for your support. I am truly blessed during this holy season.

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27 thoughts on “Update: Rumors of my Death… Are Justified. Wrong, But Justified

  1. Glad to hear that you are getting better. You could have specified to the doctors that your articles for sure qualify as essential work from GMing point of view 😉

  2. Take care of yourself and F the articles they can wait until you are better. I hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday, whatever holiday you celebrate.

  3. Personally, I thought you were just being fashionably delayed as you have been lately, never thought something so serious would strike. Been so obsessed over my old, immunocompromised father I forgot other people may also be at risk.

    Nice to hear you’re perking up. You don’t need me telling you what to do, so I’ll just leave it to a well-wishing.

  4. Sounds like you were slightly worse off than my wife and I, glad to read you’re improving and doing well.

    It’s a weird one. You’re supposed to assume you have chop fluey until you recover, then you should assume you didn’t have it and are still vulnerable and infectious..

  5. Good thing you are feeling better. Just take it easy for a while man. Several young people (younger than 40, even younger than 25) have died in my country, and all follow the same pattern – they are sick, get better, feel almost 100% again and bam – heart gives out and they die in 48h. It’s rare but the virus can jump from the lungs to other organs like the heart especially when it seems the worst is over. Take it easy, rest for a couple of days extra even when you “feel OK again”. Do not get back to work until you had rest. Around here recommendation is to rest for a full week after all symptoms are gone.

  6. Just glad you are on the mend, Angry. Hope Tiny is not suffering the effects of whatever (possibly COVID), or if so, is on the mend as well.

  7. I respectfully ask that you don’t use those nicknames for Covid-19. The racism and racist attacks against the Asian community in the United States and elsewhere are real (https://archive.vn/9embn). Your ideas are insightful, your schtick is amusing, and your content is gold. Using those terms instead of the official name for the virus only serves to belittle the suffering of so many and to debase your excellent work.

    [[EDIT: I have replaced the poster’s original link with an archived version saved on Sunday, April 12, 2020 – The Angry GM]]

    • I respectfully decline. I do not support violence against anyone and I think it is absurd to blame Chinese-Americans for this virus. I condemn that bullshit.

      However, I also think it is extremely important for every American – for every person of every nation – to remember that the COVID-19 pandemic was allowed to spread and cause so much damage because of the lies of an evil, tyrannical, communist government that must be held accountable. I will continue to remind absolutely everyone that this Chinese virus came from China and was allowed to spread through the world because the government of China withheld information that would have prevented 95% of the causalities it has so far caused. There is a difference between an ethnic group – or nationality and I will remind you that China is a not a race, it is a nationality – and the government that enslaves and abuses that ethnic group. Anyone who can not see that difference is monstrous. I hold the Chinese government, led by the Chinese Communist Party, responsible for my illness and no one else. If anyone uses that as an excuse to attack anyone of Asian descent, that is their own choice and their own crime for which I will not be held responsible. And anyone trying to pretend that is not the case is belittling the hundreds of thousands of people affected by this illness and the hundred thousand who have died so far.

      This topic of discussion is now closed.

  8. Glad to hear you look to be surviving General Tso’s Revenge. They have a prototype antibody test now (everyone at my “essential” job is expected to get one, at our own cost and time, so I’ll just lie) if you want to know if you had it, but honestly, who cares?

    • The last time I checked (which was several weeks ago, so take this with a grain of salt) 25% of infected people are asymptomatic; that is, they have it and can pass it on without any signs that they’re sick. Think modern Typhoid Mary on a global scale.

      So, that’s one reason to care if you had it.

  9. Breathe deep, everyone. Literally. Literal deep breathing, especially when it hurts, helps to force your lungs to function. Respiratory ailments are a problem because they stop the breathing.

  10. Hey,
    I found your website just a few days ago and i’m amazed. I’m glad you are alive and without wanting to step on your feet (Do you say this in english, too?) I wanted to ask, if the Megadungeon Projekt is still alive or if i missed a post about it’s passing?

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