News: The Angry GM is an Ultimate Tabletop Gaming Resource!

March 23, 2021

This just in: The Angry GM—meaning this website—has been including in Goblin Gaming’s Ultimate List of Tabletop Gaming Resources. And I encourage you to check out the list and see the fine folks who Goblin Gaming deemed me worthy of sharing a list with.

And if you happen to live in the United UK Kingdom and pay for your gaming supplies with currency that’s decorated with little curly Ls instead of shift+4s, you should also check out Goblin Gaming’s online store. See, Goblin Gaming is a gaming retailer. But they recently launched a news and blog site called The Tabletop News brought to you by Goblin Gaming.

Now, because they can only ship to the UK, I can’t speak for them as a retailer. All I can say is they sure do have an online storefront and it sure does stock board games, card games, RPGs, and gaming accessories. And tiny electric racing cars. Apparently. But maybe consider checking them out if you live in the UK and want to buy gaming stuff.

Or tiny electric racing cars.

I can also say that the site’s run by some pretty nice people—based on my interactions with them—with pretty good taste—considering they put me at the top of a list of Ultimate Tabletop Gaming Resources. So here’s some links:

Legal s$&%: Goblin Gaming didn’t pay me to plug them. They didn’t ask me to plug them. I didn’t ask them to plug me. They just reached out to me and said “we’re launching a gaming news and blog site to go along with our store and we’re doing this list and we’d like to include you on it.” And I said sure. They asked me for a logo and some copy about my site. I gave it to them. No money changed hands. This ain’t a tit for tat thing. I think their list has good stuff on it and their store looks like a nice place to buy stuff if you’re a Brit. Or a Northern Irelander. Or a Scot. Or… Welsh, I think? I don’t know. I’m not a historian or a geographer. I’m an accountant who was so bad at accounting he had to start writing books and articles about other people’s games for a living. Anyway. This ain’t an ad or an endorsement. It’s just “hey, look at this list I was on” and also “there’s a store attached to it that has tiny electric racing cars.” 

I don’t know why, but I think those tiny electric cars are neat. I used to go to a place when I was a kid and race slot cars. I didn’t know tiny electric racing cars were still a thing and I don’t know if they’re the same as slot cars. They just look fun, okay?

And, look, I’m not obsessed with tiny electric racing cars. I don’t go seeking them out. I don’t check every gaming site to see if they happen to stock tiny electric racing cars. I’ts not like “yeah, Noble Knight Games is great and all, but they don’t stock tiny electric racing cars.” It’s just that, when I was browsing their store to see what sort of stuff Goblin Gaming carried, I saw an entire category on their navigation bar called Scalextric. And I was like, “what the hell is Scalextric?” So I clicked and found tiny electric racing cars. I also clicked the Airfix link, but that’s just model airplanes. Hardly worth mentioning.

I’m not saying, by the way, that model airplanes aren’t cool. When I was a kid, I used to help my dad build model airplanes. Which mostly consisted of me not touching the glue or the knives or the models and just sitting quietly over there and then covering my ears whenever he started trying to put the decals on so I wouldn’t learn any new swearwords. Those water-activated decals were always a b$&%. 

And that, by the way, is the real reason I swear in grawlix. Because I grew up hearing muffled swearing through my hands while helping my dad around the house or with his models. It was kind of like hearing Yosemite Sam swear in the old Bugs Bunny cartoons. I remember one day, he swore for ten minutes straight while he was doing some electrical work and got zapped really good. Like, there were sparks and a horrible smell and everything. That’s also the day I learned that you never assume you turned off the right circuit breaker and that electricity is f$&%ing terrifying. Something I still believe to this very day. 

My point is, though, this isn’t an advertisement or endorsement or anything.

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4 thoughts on “News: The Angry GM is an Ultimate Tabletop Gaming Resource!

  1. Congratulations! I would say this makes you world class. Not like you weren’t before, but you aren’t world class until someone ELSE says you are world class. And not some rando commenter (like me).

  2. Congrats angry, well deserved. As a Brit I will check out their store. It’s been a long time since I played with any tiny electric cars but I’m sure I’ll find something I didn’t know I needed 🙂

  3. “see the fine folks who Goblin Gaming deemed me worthy of sharing a list with”

    More like see the fine folks they deemed worthy of sharing a list with Angry! 🙂 Either way, I’ll be checking it out immediately. I’ve been searching for more Angry-tier gaming info for a while.

    I like to imagine the grawlix story is like an explanation of Joker’s scars. Just one of many, and we’ll never know which is true…

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