The Last Angry Update (For a While)… It’s All Content from Here

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November 17, 2023

This here’s my last status update. I’m sick of writing these things. And I’m gonna do this one quick and dirty. I promised I’d do this once I had a plan. I do, so I am.

The Live Chat

First, the other night, I gave a Live Chat on my Supporter Discord Server. The first in several months. It went on for over two hours. The first half was a recap of what’s been going on and how I’m doing and why and how things have gotten totally derailed. The second half was just off-the-cuff fun like my Live Chats usually are. I talked about a few fun things and then took questions and comments from my Discord peanut gallery.

I normally don’t make these recordings available to the general public. They’re bonus content for my supporters. But, in the case, I’m going to let anyone who wants to listen because I think it’s important to be as transparent as possible. But, it’s a long ‘un. And so I’m going to summarize the important status update bits below.

Download Angry’s November 2023 Live Chat and Status Update MP3

Content Plans

Second, if you just want to know when you’ll get some actual content, here’s the skinny…

Because of my health, financial, and life situation, I’m well behind in my content release schedule. In order to allow myself to get back on track, for the next six weeks, I will be putting my major series on hold and focusing on one-off content. I’m not going to fill November and December with Mailbags and Bullshit. It’s good, solid, meaty content. But it isn’t tied to any particular series. It’s mostly topics my fans have suggested.

I will, however, be providing the Big Social Encounter Example promised in the True Game Mastery series and I will also be providing the much-desired Infiltration and Stealth Encounter article that I tried to push off. I don’t know when they will come out, precisely, but they will be mixed in amongst the next eight articles I publish before December 31.

The True Campaign Managery series will start for real in January. True Scenario Designery will follow later in 2024 when True Campaign Managery is done.

The Angry Hacks series will also start in January with the Tension Dice hack and it will continue each month with a number of hacks especially useful for downtime, townmode, and general world interaction.

Proofreadalouds for articles will resume in December and continue into the new year.

Articles in November will be published on Wednesday, November 22; Friday, November 24; Tuesday, November 28; and Thursday, November 30. The December schedule remains to be determined but the focus will be on publishing content weekly. Likely on Wednesdays.

That’s it… that’s the recovery plan for content. At least, as far as I know it. Anything I didn’t mention is still up in the air.

My Health and Well-Being

Very briefly, because I’ve received a number of concerned messages, let me go over the things I explained in detail in the Live Chat for those that don’t want to listen.

First, I was brought to the Emergency Room twice and hospitalized once due to an unexplained problem with my heart. I did not have a heart attack. My heart appears healthy. But I suffered episodes of wild and irregular heartbeats known as atrial fibrilation. It is not a life-threatening condition, though the underlying cause has yet to be determined. I am working with my doctor and a cardiologist to figure out what’s going on and how best to treat it. But, for all intents and purposes, I am healthy. I ain’t going anywhere for a while.

Second, my relationship with Allie — The Tiny GM — has ended. It ended by mutual agreement and, though extremely difficult and emotional, has been an amicable separation. But because the relationship has been ongoing for over seven years and because we were engaged to be married, it is a very difficult and protracted process.

Third, and partly as a result of the two above incidents, I have been left in an extremely tenuous financial position. I am not in danger of losing my place to live or ending up on the street or anything like that and I am not considering shuttering Angry Games or quitting as The Angry GM and I am absolutely, definitely not seeking financial help of any kind. I have a number of options open to me that, with shrewd money management and a very thrifty lifestyle for a few years, will let me get back on stable financial ground within twelve months. But the stress and uncertainty surrounding it is just adding to the weight of everything else.

In short, I am exhausted, overwhelmed, anxious, and depressed beyond anything I’ve felt for many, many long years. I’m feeling beaten down. But, I also refuse to stay down. I never have; that isn’t who I am. I intend to keep moving forward, even if it’s at a limp. Even if I’m dragging myself.

So, I ask for your continued patience as I try to get back on course. Because I promise I will. I always have. That is just who I am. Thank you.

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24 thoughts on “The Last Angry Update (For a While)… It’s All Content from Here

  1. Thanks for sharing. I reiterate my support and appreciation for your work. You may assume all condolences and well wishes you might find appropriate.

  2. Having suffered from several rather nasty bouts of arrhythmia, I can only say that heart issues are scary as hell. Take good care of yourself. We will be here and waiting for the content (and please, please do not force yourself to churn out 8 articles until the end of the year if it becomes too difficult – we all will patiently wait longer).

  3. What they said. And sending prayers and good vibes and all that on a trajectory toward Angry-land.

    (And just for a “funny” I typed my name into the field and the system wanted to autocorrect it… to “Torture”. I know I’m bad but not that bad.)

  4. I wish you well as you navigate this period of your life. I’m sure you will overcome your current difficulties, using the same tenacity and intelligence you bring to your writing.

  5. Good luck Angry. I hope you can take your time recovering and continue doing what you love. We will be here as long as it takes. Take care of yourself and don’t forget to enjoy the holidays.

  6. Wishing you all the best in the coming weeks, months and years. It’s not what happens to you, but how you handle it, and you are handling it admirably.

  7. Long time hardcore lurker, you were the first rpg blog i ever read years ago and which interested me into looking deeper into the hobby.
    then i got out. Because, idk it happens?
    But you, Sexy Game Master that you are, brought me on again and into of the wondrous rabbit hole of the rpg blogsphere.
    I’m sorry to hear of your situation and wish to say thank you, first and foremost, for disclosing it, it’s not to be taken for granted, especially on internet.
    I wish you a speedy recovery from this mess, to rise up again, as does a phoenix, somehow even more fucking ANGRIER and SEXIER than before, a scorching hot beacon of obscenities and the best fucking rpg advice there is.
    Please take your time for that, i’ll be cheering you on.
    I truly wish you all good manners of things, Angry.

    And thank you.

  8. I see now why you’re so dogged about this work and I’m cheering for you. Any one of the things you’re going through is enough to put people on the floor all at once is the universe committing high society (as it loves to do)
    I want to acknowledge your dedication and integrity.
    Your advice, your articles on gaming are great, thank you for putting this content out, thank you for fighting tooth and nail all year and much of last to put out content you believe in.

  9. Very glad you’re (basically) healthy, but sorry to hear. Breaking off an engagement is tough; praying for you and for Tiny. Take the time you need to heal up, and hope the doctors can get to the bottom of your AF.

  10. Depression is a bitch. Good luck working through it. I’m in a bout of it myself at the moment and boy is it good at derailing life. Take care of yourself.

  11. A veces, cuando las cosas malas aparecen da la sensación de que vienen todas juntas… como si todo hubiese sido planeado por un GM malvado. Aparte de la broma, espero que las cosas mejoren poco a poco y que encuentres la fuerza para sobreponerte más pronto que tarde.
    Tu contenido es maravilloso, en una ocasión te dije que eres un referente como GM para mi, pero lo realmente importante eres tú como ser humano y que logres estar bien en todos los aspectos de tu vida. Lo demás puede esperar.
    Mucho amor para ti, te deseo lo mejor.

    • It does cheer me to know you’ve enjoyed my content. Honestly, that’s the biggest thing keeping me going: that people keep telling me that I’ve helped them run better games or entertained them or helped them learn something new or even, in some cases, helped them better themselves as people.

  12. This website is full of your great humor, great advice, and great inspiration. Things like this take that inspiration beyond just the tabletop. Wishing you all the best, with warmth and gratitude.

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