It’s live. You can go support The Angry GM: The Website: The Book right now at Kickstarter and get your very own copy. Or two copies. Or as many as you want. Why are you still reading this? Go over to my Kickstarter project page right now and support the book. Go on. Go. Now.
Click here to support The Angry GM: The Website: The Book: The Kickstarter!
I really want to support this project, but I don’t have a credit card (I do all my online transactions through PayPal). is there any way I can still contribute?
Holy s#&% that was fast! Congrats Angry! We deserve it! (I’d say that ‘you’ deserve it, but thats more of a gift for us than anything else)
Welp, that was fast. Might need to put in another stretch goal still.
Looks like the Kickstarter is doing ok. Guess there was some mild interest and all… (Congrats, I’m really looking forward to it!)
Not even half a day in and we’ve topped all the stretch goals. Woohoo!
Di wake up to see that the KS is live, as it should be. And boom. Funded. That was insane. But not surprising.
All the stretch goals met already. Congratulations! Please DON’T add any more stretch goals. Keep the project as stress-free as possible.
I just want to say that I’m happy that the project funded, and then some, right away. I’m absolutely looking forward to this!
Congrats man! Im asking a friend to loan me his creditcard. and to convince him to get the book himself as well.
Needed some time to find a credit card (not common where I am from) but totally worth it. I agree with what some others said: Don’t put up more goals. Just do this, and do it well. It’s already quite a lot and actually having it this year would be wonderful!
We will happily throw more money towards your next project 🙂
To add another voice to the mob.
Congratulations! We look forward to our bigger and fully colored books. Don’t add more stretch goals.
First time I’ve ever backed a Kickstarter (despite being an inveterate war gamer with a plastic crack habit that would fund a small community) – absolutely happy to break a habit for your product. So glad to see this succeed – you deserve it!
This was impressive. I got up today at 11am to see that the kickstarter had already met it’s goal and it only had the final stretch goal left.
Seriously? No one wanted the $10,000 pledge rewards? 😀
Well, it’s not as good a deal as it seems at first glance. If the book were included, I’d have gone for that one :p
Where can we go to fandom out about the Angry RPG teaser on the white board in the kickstarter vid?
What teaser? What white board? I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m not writing an RPG. And I wouldn’t be careless enough to leave details about it lying around.
For a long time I haven’t been wondering what three ability scores you wouldn’t use to represent physical, mental, and social.
The four that aren’t in the sliding cross really hit those “three e’s”. It’s beautiful. I can imagine it rivaling the combat rose.
I wonder if all those dots and dice pools you didn’t write are related to the ideas you and Brian “lost” while making Di&D.
Yeah. The 3 e’s. Elegance, Extensions, and complexity is the currency with which you buy depth. Don’t go into debt. I remembered that perfectly.
Oh my god, AT LAST!
I’ve been supporting you on Patreon since 2015, and I’ll back any quality content you’ll publish. So any content, really.
Keep up the good work. Too bad you’re absolutely not working on an RPG, I’m certain it’d be a blast…
This is what I saw after watching the video on the kickstarter page:
718% funded with 29 days remaining
Help get this project over the finish line
Besides laughing at my desk about 718% and help get this project over the finish line, I’m super pumped that Angry Games will be around for a long time. I look forward to sitting down and cracking open the Angry Hand Book someday.