only exists because readers like you support it. I could not crank out the content I do and keep it online without you. If you like my work, if it helps you run better games, or even if it just gives you a laugh, consider supporting the site to help make sure it’s still here next week.


Crowdfunding Support

The best way to support is with an ongoing pledge at Patreon or a subscription at SubscribeStar. By doing so, you’ll not only keep online, you’ll also get to read articles early, listen to audio recordings, access the Awesome Angry Discord Server, and download regular bonus content.

I offer the same content and reward tiers at both Patreon and SubscribeStar, so pick whichever platform you prefer.

For More Information and to Pledge Your Support, Visit:

Buy My Book (And Other Stuff Someday)

I wrote the book on GMing. Literally. It’s called Game Angry: How to RPG the Angry Way. And you can buy yourself a physical or electronic copy at the Angry Games store or get an electronic copy from DriveThru RPG.

Leave a Tip or Make a One-Time Donation

If you’re not ready to pledge your ongoing support and you don’t need another crappy book you’ll never read, consider leaving a tip. I can accept tips via PayPal, Google Pay, or by secure credit or debit card transaction.

Angry Games, Inc. is a for-profit company. Tips are not a tax-deductible donations.

Read, Comment, Share, and Use

Not in a position to support my work? I understand. Support’s necessary, but without loyal readers, it doesn’t matter. Just keep reading my work. If you like it, comment. Share it on social media, on Reddit, at your local game store, or with random strangers on the bus. And, most importantly, use my content to make every one of your games better.

However you support the site, even if it’s just by reading and sharing my work, know that I’m grateful. Thank you.