Update: I’m Back (Sort Of)

August 27, 2018

Edit: Hey all, I miscounted/misdated some things in the schedule I posted in this article. I was a week off on my dates. I’ve corrected the issues. So if the dates seem to have shifted from the first time you read this, I’ve fixed it.

Hey all! I’m back from vacation. To be fair, the vacation portion only lasted about four days. And I actually did go away with The Tiny GM for four days to a little tourist trap of a town called Wisconsin Dells. It was fun. And much needed. The remainder of the time was spent on a whole lot of crap involving furnishing an apartment, getting a computer, returning the computer and getting a new one because it was shipped borked, returning furniture that was shipped damaged, and just dealing with a lot of crap. Today – Monday, August 27 – is literally the first day I was able to walk into my office, sit down at my computer, and work. Which is a week later than that was supposed to happen. But, I’m not going to complain. Honestly, it’s only been one month since we moved. So, fine. I’m up and running now.

In addition to being up and running at long last, I also got the book back from the editor. That means it’s time for me to give it a final read through, incorporate the editing changes, and send the whole thing off to layout. And the art has been coming in steadily. So, the whole thing is on track. Assuming I burn the midnight oil this week.

So, here’s what’s going to happen…

August is a wash. It’s done. It’s dead. I missed it. I’m not going to rush myself to put out a crap article or two this week just to hit a deadline. Patrons, you will not be charged for August at all. I didn’t put out anything on the site, so you don’t pay anything. We’ll just launch fresh in September. So, here’s the plan. I’m assigning myself these deadlines so I have targets to hit to get back in the groove AND to get ahead of the game on everything again.

Monday, September 10 and every Wednesday Thereafter: We’ll be back on the normal, weekly feature article release schedule. Since I’ve gotten Campaign Cartographer up and running, we’re going to finish writing that adventure I was writing. We’re also going to transition from campaign planning to setting planning. And we’re going to be looking at some new rules hacks. Look forward to that.

Monday, September 17; Monday, October 1; and Every Monday Thereafter: Megadungeon Monday will return. The two week lag time between the first and second article is to give me extra time to build up a good lead. As I said, I want the Megadungeon done – or close to – by the end of the year.

Thursday, September 20 and Every Thursday Thereafter: Ask Angry returns as a regular, weekly thing.

Tuesday, September 18 and Every Tuesday Thereafter: A new, short weekly column will appear. Something fun, different, and – the best/worst part – interactive. That’s right, it’ll be an audience participation thing. I’ve had it in the works for a while. It’s time to bite the bullet.

Basically, there’ll be a gradual ramping up of content until September 30, when I’ll be back on track for my usual output. That’ll give me plenty of time to catch up and get ahead now that my part of writing that stupid book is mostly done. So, I’ll see you next Wednesday for a new Feature article. Enjoy the end of summer. And thanks for your patience, support, and encouragement.


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17 thoughts on “Update: I’m Back (Sort Of)

  1. I’m just glad your move didn’t end in utter disaster. Welcome back, and good luck to you and Tiny in your new location.

  2. Always remember Hofstadter’s Law:
    It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law.

    Anyway, good to hear the Angry HQ is ready for business again.

  3. The wait will be worth it I’m sure. Since this shows a sort of schedule, it made me wonder if there is an actual schedule anywhere? If not maybe make a weekday schedule somewhere on the site so people know when articles get posted?

  4. Glad you got some vacation time in! Being “self-employed” can be a tough gig when it comes to taking time off! Glad to hear you are getting settled!

  5. Angry & Interactive content? Well, if that isn’t a recipe for, ehm, interesting things to happen 😀

    I can’t wait! Anything to share at this point on how that will work?
    (no I can’t wait 2 weeks!)

  6. Regarding that interactive content:

    I am sure our best suggestions will be smashed to pieces while you give us a very disdainful stare in the form of an article.

    I’m looking forward to it.

  7. Did the dates in this article update themselves or am I dreaming? I could have sworn the first article was planned for last wednesday (the 5th).

    • Yep, you’re right, the dates have “updated themselves”.
      The first article was indeed planned for the 5th and I was here everyday to see if it was out.
      Not a big deal, delays happen. But it’s a weird move, since Angry is usually more transparent about this instead of relying to shenanigans.

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