Rumors of My Death: January/February 2020 Update

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January 28, 2020

Okay, this is a quick update. And I mean that. Quick. I am not going to drag this out. I know I’ve been quiet for nearly a month and you’ve all been waiting for content. And I’ve gotten questions about whether or not I’m still alive, whether anything is wrong, whether I’m ever going to finish certain things, and so on…

I am still alive. Yes, things are wrong. But not so wrong that I or anyone I love is in imminent danger. Just issues and emergencies that needed dealing with a very difficult holiday period due to one or two many life events that all collided at once. Don’t worry about it. I don’t want to go into detail. Besides, there’s an article coming tomorrow – one that is a little outside of my usual sort of advice but one that has already been getting a good response from my patrons who got to read it in advance – and that article will probably offer some insight about some of the things going on.

As for content, there are three articles coming in short order. One is already ready to go. One needs to be polished up. One needs to be finished. I’m going to space them out so you’ll get one tomorrow, one Friday, and one Monday. And then I’ll be back on track to normal Wednesday releases going forward. Those dates, by the way, are January 29, January 31, and February 3. Patrons will see those articles on January 27, January 29, and January 31. Incidentally, if you don’t like tomorrow’s article which is more about fixing problems in your game that are caused by personal issues of procrastination and lack of confidence; Friday’s article is about building encounters. I know that first thing isn’t for everyone.

Meanwhile, for those who have been asking and who know a little more about what is going on: The Tiny GM is fine; she’s working again and she’s just started a new semester at school. Biscuit had to have surgery and then she got an infection during her recovery, but she is mostly back to her old self now and is doing much better. I am on the slow path to recovery myself. It’s going to be a long trip. But I am making the trip. Thanks for your concern.

As for upcoming work, I’ve been asked about a few different projects. Believe it or not, some of this will be addressed as part of the article tomorrow. The crafting system is not dead. It will be making a return sometime in February. The learn-to-play module is not dead. It is in progress and will be done by the end of the quarter. I’m cautiously optimistic about the megadungeon, but that’s going to take longer to drag out of the pit. See tomorrow’s article for exactly what that pit is.

Meanwhile, for Patrons, I do have a very nice little thing I’ve been working on to supplement my undead lore. A bunch of monster stats for all the different types of undead and additional lore not released in the article. It’ll show up in the secret stash sometime in the next two weeks and it’ll grow a little bit at a time after that. And once my players finish exploring the f$%&ing place, I can share with you a really cool map of a large dungeon adventure I’ve been running to resolve a ten-year-old grudge with Wizards of the Coast. Yeah. I s$&% you not.

I can’t speak for any longer term plans than that. Right now, I’m playing catch up to get my January content released. Then, in February, I’ll be going back to a normal schedule and start getting half-done projects resurrected and finished. We’ll see what happens after that.

Thank you all for your support, patience, and encouragement. Really, you all keep me going. Especially through times like this when everything seems to fall apart at once. I’m pretty damned lucky, honestly, to have a such a strong community around me.

Now, let me get back to f$&%ing work. I’ve got some hobgoblin stat blocks to edit.

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14 thoughts on “Rumors of My Death: January/February 2020 Update

  1. I’m looking forward to more on the megadungeon, so glad to see it’s not entirely lost yet.

    All the best to the three of you.

  2. I’m glad you’re not dead and hope things will be/get sorted soon, whichever applies.

    I made some goblins and hobgoblins using your non-cr system a while back and was very happy with the results, I’d love to compare them to what you’ve got.

  3. Thanks for your work! I’ve been using your non-cr system for skeletal undead in the section of the megadungeon I’m running, and am quite happy with the results.

  4. Who are you and what have you done with our AngryGM? You sound too much like a real person.
    Seriously though- I’m sorry to hear about the crap you are dealing with and sincerely hope it improves.

  5. Hey, this is one of the best places on the internet to learn about DMing. Thanks so much for all you gave me – your blog turned my DMing life around in the past months. Hope you get things sorted soon enough!

  6. I’m no longer a patreon support, but I am ready to support any future projects from Angry Games. I hope you’re able ro finish up those last few goals from the book and move forward. Good luck.

  7. I don’t know who Biscuit is but it makes me super happy to hear that they are healthy! It’s also good news that you and the tiny gm are ok as well.

  8. Glad to hear you’re doing better!

    I’m excited that you’ll be finishing off the crafting system! I love the write up you’ve done so far on it, and getting the last bits of insight will help me figure out some systems that I will be building for my own games.

    You mentioned the “learn-to-play” module: is this something you’ve already talked about on this site, or was that update more pointed toward to your Discord and Patreon readers who are more in-the-know? I feel like may have missed something :S

  9. I did not write but I was worried. Glad to know that things are going better now.
    I wish you all the best and thank you again for your amazing contents!

  10. Hi Angry. Thank you for the update. I hope that everything continues to get better for you. I know I go through a lot of that myself. Heh, we need a GM support group called “I want to GM/Create content but life has other plans.” Anyways, for me, real life comes first. We like to pretend we can get lost in another world like Isekai Anime, and the real world doesn’t matter but more often than not it determines what we can and can’t do. Doesn’t do much good if you’re trying to squeeze content out uncomfortably. Not that you do. I always enjoy reading your thoughts. Keep up the good fight, many hugs.

  11. Hey Angry, I thought this would be a good place to ask. I just listened to the last GM Word Of The Week and noticed that you weren’t mentioned in the credits. Will you no longer be a part of it?

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