The Angry Update: October 2023

October 3, 2023


I have emerged from September — and from a difficult trip out of town — alive and well… alive.

And I’m kind of sick of talking about my physical health, mental health, or personal life. So I’m just going to confine this update to the stuff that actually affects my work.

October Content

After desperately and feverishly working my ass off for a week straight and cranking out 15,000 words in four days, I am starting October on schedule. Which was my goal.

I intend to release four articles on the four upcoming Tuesdays this month starting with Tuesday, October 10. Patrons will enjoy concurrently released Proofreadalouds with three out of the four. The fourth, which will be published on Halloween, will be the first installment of the monthly Angry Hacks series.

Two of the three remaining articles will be part of the True Game Mastery series and the third will be a sort of Ask Angry column that will help segue into a new True Game Mastery chapter and will involve my addressing the players of a Game Master to whom I offered some advice that didn’t go over well. So, that should be a rip-roaring good time, no?

Speaking of a new True Game Mastery Chapter…

True Game Mastery Part II: Managing Campaigns

I’ve said a couple of times now that it’s time for me to push the True Game Mastery series into its second major module: managing campaigns. Even though I’m leaving a few topics on the cutting room floor that I wanted to discuss, I feel like Part I: Running Games has run its course. I’ve actually been repeating myself quite a bit in the last few articles. And with the Resolving Encounters stuff, I’ve also been frequently running into places that move beyond running games to Scenario Design.

So, starting this month and then carrying through the end of the year and a little beyond, I’ll be teaching y’all how True Game Masters plan and launch campaigns and keep them running. And keep in mind that this ain’t about world or setting design. Instead, I’m going to tackle a bunch of shit the rulebooks are all wishy-washy about like how to handle character generation, replacement characters, and death. And there will be a lot about managing players and resolving conflicts.

I expect to rustle a lot of jimmies with this one.

Live Chat

The Angry Mostly Monthly Live Chat returns this month. But with a twist. The Live Chat will fall on Tuesday, October 24 at 4:00 PM EDT. It will, of course, be recorded and published a few days later for all Patrons to enjoy.

Gamehole Con

I have finalized my plans. I intend to attend Gamehole in Madison, WI starting late in the afternoon on Thursday, October 19 and leaving mid-morning or early afternoon on Sunday, October 28.

I am not planning to run any events, officially or otherwise, but I am interested in catching up with folks who want to catch up and I might even be available to kill some time with a board game or other pick-up activity and I do occasionally sit for meals or drinks and it would be cool to shoot the shit. Long story short, if you’re planning on attending Gamehole Con and want to at least say hi, the best way to reach me is to send me a private message on Discord — if you’re a member. Otherwise, if you’re not a supporter, you can still e-mail me at

I’ll do my best to catch up with as many folks as possible, but my time will be limited.

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2 thoughts on “The Angry Update: October 2023

  1. Angry, I appreciate the candor you put into your updates, and I’m glad you’re back on schedule. Please know that I’m rooting for your continued success, and I’d still be here even if that fell short. I’m eagerly awaiting these upcoming chapters in True Game Mastery, and more. Be well.

  2. Hi Angry, thanks for the updates and for the great work you are making with the True Game Mastery series, which I’m enjoying like nothing else in this website, because it has significantly improved the quality of my games.
    I’m glad the True Game Mastery series will go on to the new chapter, but I hope you will find the time to talk, even simply in a sidebar, about a big problem you highlighted in one of the articles about social encounters and is the most obvious problem I find in social encounters: how to make players to accept retire as an encounter outcome. The biggest problem in my social encounters is that they never end because I cannot stop players to continue the discussion with more and more arguments until I have to surrender for exhaustion or to make the NPC to literally fight or escape.
    Thank again for your great work and be well!

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