The “Angry, Save My Map” sweepstakes is officially over. And after tallying the votes, we have two winners. Even though there was only supposed to be one winner. But then, you guys have never been good at following directions or taking subtle hints, so I should have known something would go wrong and some of you would submit maps that were just too damned good to need any help at all.
In the category of cartographers who desperately need help, the winner was Kubo with their Low Ground Fantasy World as shown here:
For their terrible mapping prowess but delightful naming conventions, Kubo has scored a copy of Jared Blando’s Fantasy Mapmaker, a full Campaign Cartographer Fantasy Mapmaker Bundle, and a copy of Profantasy’s Tome of Ultimate Mapping. The prizes are already on their way.
Meanwhile, in the category who can’t read between the lines and just have to show off, the absolute best map I received – as chosen by everyone who voted – was the Temple of the Mountain God by Josh. And I’ve just noticed that, in addition to failing to understand that the point of the contest was to show off your best terrible map, Josh also signed his map, thus ruining the whole “anonymous gallery” thing I was going for. It’s a good thing you’ve got that isometric cartography thing going for you.
Josh also has a Campaign Cartographer Bundle and a Tome of Ultimate Mapping on the way to him. Which he will presumably never use. So, if you’re a friend of Josh’s, you might want to hit him up. Especially if you’ve got a birthday coming soon.
Thank you, once again, to everyone who entered and to everyone who voted. This was a whole lot of fun. And now the contest is over. So everyone get lost. Especially you actual talented people. Thanks for making me feel bad AND buy an extra prize. Really. You’re the best.
Congrats to the winners!
Thank you all for your delightful comments and votes for my bad map. Thank you, Angry, for the much needed help in improving my GMing. What would we do without your wisdom? Maybe I’ll actually use this bad map at a TTRPG convention near you sometime, forgetting everything that Angry ever taught me as a GM, so you can have an authentic Mount Rainyfrown bad adventure experience. Huzzah!
I think you left out the Thirsty Desert next to the Slugmoor Marsh. Amazing how in a fantasy world you can have ridiculous contrasts and nobody will think anything of it.
Tunderax with Sanfell the elf from the Elf Happy woods
That’d be great! I love your names by the way!
I enjoyed everyone’s map and am gratified to have added to my favorite piece of nerddom- I loved when Angry told us about how, in Megasumthin, video games used gates- doors you would see but could not open- that you would remember, until you got a key, or the ability to lift rocks, fly, swim, etc. And this could happen in rpgs. This is a tiny short idea about that.
PSA: Both the Tome of Ultimate Mapping and Campaign Cartographer (with most of the addons Angry was giving away) are currently on sale in a Humble Bundle if anyone else wants to get them.
@Angry I hope posting this is OK. I’m not affiliated with Profantasy or anything; in fact I hadn’t taken much notice of them before you ran this competition. I’ve now bought the bundle and am currently installing it, but that’s the extent of my experience with them.