Angry’s December 2023 Mostly Monthly Live Chat

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December 16, 2023

The Angry GM's Mostly Monthly Live Chats
The Angry GM's Mostly Monthly Live Chats
Angry's December 2023 Mostly Monthly Live Chat

Happy Channukah, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year from The Angry GM. Have two hours of unfocussed, rambling bullshit.

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One thought on “Angry’s December 2023 Mostly Monthly Live Chat

  1. I don’t know if you tried that already but I was really impressed by the exploration mechanic of “Forbidden Lands”. I currently think of exploration systems are a random encounter delivery system plus sth. I couldn’t nail down.
    When we played for the first time players put all their points into combat and after one session they were “I don’t want to change deadeye archer for being a better cook” “yeah I want to be a better lookout then”.
    You designate someone to scout the way, you have to manage days of travel you travel faster in mountains, you can go faster but you are at danger of getting surprised, you manage food, ammunition in a very QUICK way.
    Fucking up survival damages your attributes so you arrive with lower willpower or strength to a fight/the dungeon (not a fan of the fight system but eh).
    And the map is really effective at players going “ooooh theres a big hole, let’s travel to the big hole sth. cool must be there.

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