Angry Flash Chat: Why Game Masters Shouldn’t Build Open Worlds

December 17, 2023

The Angry GM's Flash Chats
The Angry GM's Flash Chats
Angry Flash Chat: Why Game Masters Shouldn't Build Open Worlds

Surprise! It’s a flash chat. I got cajoled into jumping on line to explain why I think TTRPGs are terrible for running open worlds.

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4 thoughts on “Angry Flash Chat: Why Game Masters Shouldn’t Build Open Worlds

  1. The rambling + Q&A made me think of the Alexandrian’s Node Based Design and use of “Situations instead of Plot”.

    Nodes are to have clues for other future encounters, and situations are like dungeons that let you take a choice of possible paths or make your own path to get to whatever goal that you have.

    The Alexandrian in general seems to spend much of his time thinking about how to do guided non-linearity. I’m curious as to what designs you’ll have coming out of this thinking.

  2. I’m currently playing Darksiders III and this talk made me realize that the game is just Zelda megadungeon exploration plus Dark Souls combat 😀

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