Ask Angry: Can We Be Evil?

Should GMs let players play evil PCs? Do GMs have any say in what the players play at all? The Angry GM answers. Spoiler alert: there’s a no and a yes.

Ask Angry: Class! Hunh! What Is It Good For?

Kevin M. asks hypothetical questions about a hypothetical RPG. And asks, hypothetically, how that hypothetical RPG might answer the hypothetical question of classes. I’m NOT writing a game, people. When the f$&% would I have the time for that!?

Ask Angry: Ultimate Lie Detectors

This week, in Ask Angry, I tell you how to deal with players that have broken your game with psychic super powers so they can never be lied to or betrayed.

Ask Angry: Slow Decisions and Writing Poetry

Welcome to the first ever installment of my new weekly advice column: Ask Angry! That’s right. Every week I’ll take a question or two someone has sent me and I’ll answer it. With advice. Hence: advice column. Obviously. If you want to ask a question, e-mail me at and put Ask Angry in the subject line. If you don’t put Ask Angry in the subject like, I’ll punch you. And ignore your question. And punch you.