Normally, these Live Chats — which I host on my supporter Discord server mostly every month — are restricted to my supporters only. But this one is special and it’s getting released to everyone. That’s because I used the first half of the show to respond to a question sent in by a reader about the mental health resources I’ve found helpful in coping with my ongoing depression this past year.
If you’re having a hard time, whether it’s due to depression, anxiety, or just life in general, please know you are not alone and that there is nothing to be ashamed of. There’s at least one asshole on the Internet who wants you to take care of you and feel better. I’m pulling for you.
Read Before Commenting
As I explain in the podcast, I am not a mental health professional and neither are most of the folks in my community. And those who are mental health professionals know better than to give mental health advice to strangers without spending some time getting to know their specific problems. However well-intentioned, bad mental health advice can cause serious harm to vulnerable individuals and I take that risk extremely seriously. I have seen the results firsthand.
If you want to leave a comment with a general message of support for people struggling or let the community know you’re struggling so you can feel less alone, by all means do so. But any attempts to provide mental health advice of any kind will be deleted. I am comfortable offering some general advice and links to resources, but I will not be responsible for anyone else’s advice and I will close the comments if things get out of hand.
Listen to The Angry GM’s December 2024 Mostly Monthly Live Chat
Download LC1224 Angrys December 2024 Mostly Monthly Live Chat,mp3
Mental Health Resource Links
The 988 Lifeline
If you are in crisis in the United States, call 988! Do it right now!
Stephen Ministry
Newel of Knowledge
Newel of Knowledge YouTube Channel
How to Seriously Get Out of a Rut
The Psychology of Depression and Anxiety Podcast by Dr. Scott Eilers
The Psychology of Depression and Anxiety Podcast YouTube Playlist
The Psychology of Depression and Anxiety Podcast on Spotify
Take Care of Yourself As If Your Life Depended On It
13 + 1 Ways to Fix Your Mental Health in 2024
Chimp Management by Professor Steve Peters
Chimp Management Resource Website
The Chimp Paradox by Professor Steve Peters
The Angry GM’s New Years Eve Eve Resolution Party
If you’re a supporter with Discord access and want to participate, e-mail your New Years Resolution in the form of one to three short, daily habits to and join in the New Years Eve Eve Live Chat on Monday, December 30 at 7:30 PM EST (or listen to the recording).
But hang out anyway even if you don’t want to play the New Years Resolution game. It’ll be fun.
I hope everyone can take this New Year to have a fresh start. Have fun with pretend elf games, and best of luck with everything!