The Angry Update: May 2024 Supplemental

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May 28, 2024


Just a very quick check in. When I wrote the update last week, I failed to take into account something which ultimately led to a booboo. And I want to remind y’all of something too.

Next Feature: Friday, May 31

I forgot this past weekend was a holiday weekend.

First, thank you to all of you who have or continue to serve in this nation’s military and to those of you who have lost loved ones through in service. I am immensely grateful for your sacrifice and the peace, prosperity, safety, and freedom it buys me every day.

Second, because of the holiday weekend — and because I actually had a deeply difficult and personal three-day thing on the calendar to deal with over this weekend — I meant to delay the release this week. I forgot to take that into in the update. So this week’s Feature is going live on Friday, not Wednesday.

Again, this is an isolated scheduling change and does not mess with my ongoing caught-upness on my release schedule.

This may also affect the next Slapdash Design Blog for members of Club Slapdash. I am going to play that one by ear. Forgive me that.

Return to the Obra Dinn with Me

For pure funsies, I’ve decided to do something I meant to do when it first came out and stream a very complete, careful, thorough, methodical playthrough of *The Return of the Obra Dinn*, a insurance investigation simulator on the high seas, starting on Wednesday, May 29 at 7:30 PM EDT at The Angry Games Inc. YouTube Channel. I anticipate the playthrough being about five hours and I intend to split it into two streams of roughly two-and-one-half hours.

I will be focusing on providing a complete “new player” experience, so if it’s the sort of thing you’re interested in but will never play yourself, you should be able to enjoy. I will also be working very methodically to call out pretty much every detail you might use to figure out any of the game’s puzzles. So if you’ve played it but were wondering, “How the hell was I supposed to tell the Peters brothers apart” or something like that, I’ve got you covered. In exhaustive and exacting detail. I also have a ton of outside knowledge. So, if you’re wondering what a capstan is or a lazarette or why it’s bad luck to whistle on a ship, I’ll be sharing that too. So there will be something for everyone.

Rules will be in place forbidding spoilers of any kind in the chat. So if you know the game backwards and forwards, sit on your thumbs in the chat so people who don’t know the game through and through can experience the mystery along with me.

Come and hang out. It’ll be fun.

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4 thoughts on “The Angry Update: May 2024 Supplemental

  1. Hey Angry,
    A little nit to pick but one that I think you might want to be attentive to.

    Armed Forces Day is to honor all of those who are currently serving in our military. This is a good day to look through your list of contacts and make sure the folks you know, who are currently serving, know how much you appreciate this. Serving in a volunteer military is not something that happens by accident and folks who do this are performing at levels far beyond what many civilians are aware of. That simple thank you is a small bit of gratitude for the folks who are not going to be home for holidays, birthdays, weddings, graduations and a multitude of other daily life events that we take for granted.

    Veterans Day is to honor all those who have served. No other constraint. Current or past service. Alive or dead. If you wore the uniform, you are a veteran and this is the day we recognize your service. It could have been volunteer. It could have been compulsory. All veterans are honored on Veterans Day.

    Memorial Day is to honor those who have died while serving in our military. Tend their graves. Remember the battles and wars they fought and died in. Consider what their ultimate sacrifice provides you and your loved ones. Think about how you will live up to the standard they died to protect.

    Why am I telling you this? This past weekend was Memorial Day. Your well intentioned words included the folks who would not be the focus of Memorial Day. Not a crime. More of a minor faux pas. Still, in the words of the not quite immortal John Young, “I’m not dead yet!”. Feel free to buy me a beer on Veterans Day though.

    A rather pedantic military guy.

    • I am aware. And I nonetheless made the choice to thank everyone who served as well as those who have been lost and those who have lost loved ones. Because even though they are not the focus of the specific holiday, they still also deserve thanks. I usually offer a similar sentiment on Veterans Day and Armed Forces Day and when I see someone wearing attire identifying them as a Veteran or in current military uniform or when someone reveals they have served or currently serve or lost a loved one to their service. I don’t personally feel you can thank people enough for putting their life on the line for you.

      • Fair enough. It just feels weird to me, as a still living veteran, to be thanked for my service on Memorial Day but that is my issue, not yours.

        Anyway, good to see you are doing well and hitting your deadlines.

  2. I’m sure you have a lot of topics you can cover, especially in the interest of your Patreon subscriptions. But your last post got me thinking about something not completely on topic. If enough of your subscribers are interested, would it be worth creating decent “gritty” rules for 5e, or would you just recommend a different system? They did a crap job in the optional rules suggestions for gritty realism (of a fantasy world). Considering how many folks commented on their appreciation of deadly combat, maybe it’d be worth your time to flesh out some better gritty optional rules… Or not 🙂

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